Strategy, International Business, Entrepreneurship Group

Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Group

The Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) Group develops world-class research, teaching programmes and business collaborations, focused on understanding how small companies and large corporates can create and exploit organisational advantages across boundaries nationally and internationally.






Led by Professor Jordi Surroca, the SIBE Group brings together scholars, early career researchers and PhD students with an interest in the areas of strategy and innovation, international business and entrepreneurship.

Subject group leads
Jordi Surroca


Professor Jordi Surroca

Danai Christopoulou


Dr Danai Christopoulou

Dilani Jayawarna


Professor Dilani Jayawarna

Name Role Research/Scholarship

Akbar, Dr Hammad

Senior Lecturer in Management

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Anderton, Dr Dane 

Senior Lecturer in Strategy

Director of Studies: MBA Programmes

  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Quantitative research methods

Asghar, Mr Nauman

Lecturer in Strategy


Balachandran, Dr Chanchal

Lecturer in Strategy

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Strategic human capital
  • Inter-firm employee mobility
  • Employee entrepreneurship
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion 

Blackburn, Professor Robert

Professor in Entrepreneurship

Director: Brett Centre for Entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Brennecke, Professor Julia

Professor in Innovation Management

  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Networks and collaboration
  • Knowledge transfer

Cheng, Dr Yuxi

Lecturer in International Business

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Cornelissen, Professor Joep

Chair in Strategy and Organisation

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Strategic change
  • Corporate communication
  • Organisation theory 

Christopoulou, Dr Danai 

Senior Lecturer in International Business and Strategy

Director of Education: SIBE Group

Director of Studies: International Business BA programmes 

  • International business
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Spillovers
  • Pedagogy 

Day, Dr Lisa

Senior Lecturer in Strategy

Director: Online Programmes

Director of Studies: Online MBA

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Strategic change
  • Strategy as practice
  • Sensemaking
  • Identity
  • Online learning and teaching innovation

Djebali, Dr Zeineb

Director of Studies Taicang Undergraduate Year 1 Programme

Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Enang, Dr Etieno

Lecturer in International Business and Strategy

Director of Studies: BA International Business

  • Strategic change
  • Strategy as story
  • International business
  • Post qualitative inquiry

Frank, Dr Regina

Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship 


Gamble, Dr Jordan

Research Associate

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice 

Ganotakis, Professor Panagiotis

Professor International Business and Innovation

ULMS Director of Ethics

  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • International business
  • De- and re-internationalisation
  • Learning by exporting
  • Foreign technological collaboration
  • Open innovation

Gkotsis, Dr Vasileios

Lecturer in International Business & Strategy

Director of Studies: MSc International Business

ULMS Postrgraduate Lead

  • International business topics
  • Entry modes, foreign direct investment (FDI) and descision-making
  • Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) and international business strategies
  • Big data and decision-making 

Higgins, Dr David

Senior Lecturer in Management

Director of Studies MSc Online Management

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Entrepreneurship education and teaching practice

Horner, Dr Samuel

Senior Lecturer in Innovation Management

Deputy Director of Studies BA International Business

  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Hueller, Miss Francesca

Lecturer in Strategic Management & Innovation 
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies

Jayawarna, Professor Dilani

Professor of Entrepreneurship

Director of Research: SIBE Group

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice 

Leighton, Mr Richard

University Teacher and Entrepreneur in Residence


Macpherson, Dr Allan

Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurial and Organisational Learning

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Organisational and entrepreneruial learning

Maitland, Professor Elizabeth 

Professor of International Business

  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders 

Margaret, Dr Irene

Lecturer in Strategy and International Business

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and sustainability strategy
  • Multinational corporations
  • Emerging economies and emerging market multinationals
  • Green patent/environmental innovation
  • Comparative institutional analysis
  • Quantitative methods/econometrics

McNulty, Professor Terence

Professor of Management and Corporate Governance

Associate Dean (International)

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance

Nair, Dr Anup

Lecturer in Strategic Management and Innovation

  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Papageorgiadis, Professor Nikolaos

Chair in International Business

Director: Postgraduate Research Programmes

  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • International business
  • International patent enforcement strategy and international intellectual property management
  • Innovation
  • Knowledge management

Plesa, Dr Magdalena

Lecturer in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice 

Sofka, Professor Wolfgang

Professor in International Business

  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • International business
  • Strategic human capital
  • Innovation
  • Internationalisation strategies

Southern, Dr Alan

Senior Lecturer in SIBE

Principal Investigator for the Heseltine Institute

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice

Stephen, Dr Sarah

Lecturer in Strategy and Business Ethics

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Responsible investing and finance
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)
  • Sustainability
  • Stakeholder capitalism
  • Business ethics
  • Organisational theory, institutional theory and stakeholder theory 

Surroca, Professor Jordi

Chair in Strategic Management

Subject Group Head: SIBE Group 

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Strategy
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Corporate governance
  • Strategic management

Venugopal, Dr Aparna

Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

Director of Studies MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Postgraduate Lead Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice 

Vera, Dr Brian

Lecturer in International Business


Walters, Professor Geoff

Chair in Sports Business


Wolf, Dr Carola

Senior Lecturer in Strategy

Director of Studies PhD Business and MRES

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Startegy
  • Strategy as practice
  • Middle managers
  • Managerial work
  • Managerial identity

Wu, Dr Shubin

Senior Lecturer in Strategy and International Business

Postgraduate Academic Integrity Officer

  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • Strategy
  • Real option theory
  • Portfolio approach
  • International strategy

Yang, Dr Ruomei

Lecturer in Strategic Management

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Strategy
  • events and sensemaking
  • Non-market strategy
  • Social theory (Bourdieu and Goffman)

Yoon, Dr Hyoungwon

Lecturer in Strategy


Zhu, Dr Jingqi

Deputy Chair UG Board of Examiners

Senior Lecturer in International Management

  • International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders
  • International Business
  • Globalisation of services
  • Sociology of profession
  • Global supply chains
  • Sociology of work

Zundel, Professor Mike

Professor in Organisation Studies

  • Sustainable strategy and its governance
  • Entrepreneurship theory, process, context and practice
  • Strategy
  • Organisation theory
  • Technology
  • Media theory
  • Ecology
  • Cybernetics



As well as the International Business BA and International Business MSc, our Group leads the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management MSc programme, focused on the management of innovations and entrepreneurial firms, both small and large.

We also contribute to a wide range of modules as part of the School's general management academic offering at undergraduate and postgraduate level, with leading roles on The Liverpool MBA, Online MBA and Executive DBA, as well as on the School's doctoral programmes.

Teaching is led by evidence-based research produced by our team of international experts, whose work is shaping world-class academic thought, and making a direct impact on a wide range of organisations and institutions.

Study with us



The results of our research have been published in top management journals with a focus on any of our four research themes, including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business StudiesJournal of Business Venturing and Research Policy, as well as in more general management journals, such as Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management Review and Organization Science.

The group's academics also hold senior editorial positions in prestigious journals and sit on numerous editorial boards. 

Selected recent publications


Borah, D., Massini, S., Malik, K. (2023). 'Teaching benefits of multi-helix university-industry research collaborations: Towards a holistic framework', Research Policy, 52(8), 104843

Cornelissen, J., & Kaandorp, M. (2023). 'Towards Stronger Causal Claims in Management Research: Causal Triangulation Instead of Causal Identification', Journal of Management, 60(4), 834-860

Day, L., Balogun, J., Mayer, M. (2023). 'Strategic change in a pluralistic context: Change leader sensegiving', Organization Studies, 44(8), 1207–1230

Ertug, G., Brennecke, J., Tasselli, S. (2023). 'Theorizing about the implications of multiplexity: An integrative typology', Academy of Management Annals, 17(2), 626-654

Papageorgiadis, N., Procopiou, A., Sofka, W. (2023). 'Unintended consequences of outcome based compensation – How CEO bonuses, stocks and stock options affect their firms’ patent litigation', Research Policy, 52(8), 104816

Valero-Gil, J., Surroca, J.A., Tribo, J., Gutierrez, L., Montiel, I. (2023). 'Innovation vs. standardization: The conjoint effects of eco-innovation and environmental management systems on environmental performance', Research Policy, 52 (4), 104737


Mikołajewska-Zając, K., Márton, A., Zundel, M. (2022). 'Couchsurfing with Bateson: An ecology of digital platforms', Organization Studies, (43)7, 1115-1135

Brennecke, J., Ertug, G., Elfring, T. (2022). 'Networking fast and slow: The role of speed in tie formation', Journal of Management, 0(0)

Distel, A. P., Sofka, W., de Faria, P., Preto, M. T., & Ribeiro, A. S. (2022). 'Dynamic capabilities for hire - How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance'Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 657–688

Ertug, G., Brennecke, J., Kovacs, B., Zou, T. (2022). 'What does homophily do? A review of the consequences of homophily'Academy of Management Annals, 16(1), 38-69

Grecu, A., Sofka, W., Larsen, M.M., Pedersen, T., (2022). 'Unintended signals: Why companies with a history of offshoring have to pay wage penalties for new hires', Journal of International Business Studies, 53(3), 534-549

Grimpe, C., Sofka, W., Kaiser, U. (2022). 'Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries', Journal of International Business Studies, 54(4), 657-685

Horner, S., Papageorgiadis, N., Sofka, W., Angelidou S. (2022). 'Standing your ground: Examining the signaling effects of patent litigation in university technology licensing'Research Policy, 51(10), 104598

Macpherson, A., Breslin, D., Akinci, C. (2022). 'Organizational learning from hidden improvisation'Organization Studies, 43(6), 861-883

Spencer, L., Anderson, L., Ellwood, P. (2022). 'Interweaving scholarship and practice: A pathway to scholarly impact', Academy of Management Learning & Education, 21(3), 422-448

Van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J., Stam, W., & Jack, S. (2022). 'Advancing Qualitative Entrepreneurship Research: Leveraging Methodological Plurality for Achieving Scholarly Impact', Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(1), 3-20

Van der Giessen, M., Langenbusch, C., Jacobs, G., Cornelissen, J. (2022). 'Collective sensemaking in the local response to a grand challenge: Recovery, alleviation and change-oriented responses to a refugee crisis', Human Relations, 75(5), 903-930

Zhu, J., Delbridge, R. (2022). 'EXPRESS: The management of second-generation migrant workers in China: A case study of centrifugal paternalism', Human Relations, 75(12), 2272–2299

Gutierrez, L., Montiel, I., Surroca, J. A., & Tribo, J. A. (2022). 'Rainbow Wash or Rainbow Revolution? Dynamic Stakeholder Engagement for SDG-Driven Responsible Innovation', Journal of Business Ethics, 180(4), 1113-1136


Brennecke, J. (2021). 'Media review: Entrepreneurship as networking: mechanisms, dynamics, practices, and strategies', Organization Studies, 1-4

Borah, D., Malik, K., & Massini, S. (2021). 'Teaching-focused university–industry collaborations: Determinants and impact on graduates’ employability competencies'Research Policy, 50(3), 104172

Brennecke, J., Sofka, W., Wang, P., Rank, O.N. (2021). 'How the organizational design of R&D units affects individual search intensity-A network study', Research Policy, 50(5), 104219

Burke, G., Wolf, C. (2021). 'The process affordances of strategy toolmaking when addressing wicked problems'Journal of Management Studies, 58(2), 359-388

Chatterjee, I., Cornelissen, J., Wincent, J. (2021). 'Social entrepreneurship and values work: The role of practices in shaping values and negotiating change', Journal of Business Venturing, 36(1), 106064

Cornelissen, J., Akemu, O., Jonkman, J.G.F., Werner, M.D. (2021). 'Building character: The formation of a hybrid organizational identity in a social enterprise', Journal of Management Studies, 58(5). pp. 1294-1330

Cornelissen, J., & Cholakova, M. (2021). 'Profits Uber everything? The gig economy and the morality of category work', Strategic Organization, 19(4), 722-731

Jayawarna, D., Marlow, S., Swail, J. (2021). 'A gendered life course explanation of the exit decision in the context of household dynamics', Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 45(6), 0-0

MacKay, B., Chia, R., & Nair, A. (2021). 'Strategy in Practices: A process philosophical approach to understanding strategy emergence and organizational outcomes', Human Relations, 74(9), 1337-1369

Sofka, W., Grimpe, C., Kaiser, U., (2021). 'Understanding the unwritten rules of the game: Government work experience and salary premiums in foreign MNC subsidiaries', Journal of International Business Studies, 53(6), 1110-1132

Zhu, J., Spence, C., Ezzamel M. (2021). 'Thinking like the state: Doxa and symbolic power in the accounting field in China', Accounting, Organizations and Society, 93. 101235


Belderbos, R., Tong, T. W., Wu, S. (2020). 'Portfolio configuration and foreign entry decisions: A juxtaposition of real options and risk diversification theories', Strategic Management Journal, 41(7), 1191-1209

Brennecke, J. (2020). 'Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues', Academy of Management Journal, 63(3), 743-778

David, N., Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. (2020). 'Extrinsic motivation as a determinant of knowledge exchange in sales teams: A social network approach', Human Resource Management, 59(4), 339-358

Gilding M., Brennecke, J., Bunton, V., Lusher, D., Molloy, P., Codoreanu, A. (2020). 'Network failure: Biotechnology firms, clusters and collaborations far from the world superclusters', Research Policy, 49(2), 103902

Schildt, H., Mantere, S., & Cornelissen, J. (2020). 'Power in Sensemaking Processes', Organization Studies, 41(2), 241-265

Solinger, O.N., Jansen, P.G.W., Cornelissen, J.P. (2020). 'The emergence of moral leadership'Academy of Management Review, 45 (3), 504-527

Surroca, J. A., Aguilera, R. V., Desender, K., & Tribo, J. A. (2020). 'Is managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility always good? A cross-national examination of their combined influence on shareholder value', Strategic Management Journal, 41(5), 891-920

Thaning, MS., Zundel, M., Holt, R., Contu, A., Vince, R. (2020). 'From the Editors—Why Reason, Why Now?', Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19(3), 259-268


Research themes

Our SIBE specialists offer research expertise in five different themes:

Sustainable strategy and its governance

This research theme explores how organisations should design appropriate sustainable strategies to create value for their internal and external stakeholders, including employees, customers, community residents, the natural environment, and suppliers of capital and other resources.

Our research looks at the potential of different strategies, such as alliances, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, organisational changes, diversification, internationalisation, etc, to generate positive impact on organisations and their stakeholders.

Form an internal perspective, research within this theme focuses on factors influencing effective corporate governance, including the selection and composition of the top management team as well as the diversity, expertise, power and compensation of managers and corporate boards.

Our researchers also study the mechanisms used to manage interdependencies between an organisation’s internal actors and its multiple external stakeholders, and how effective decision-making can help avoid corporate misconduct and scandals, resolve grand challenges and enhance the wellbeing of people and the planet.

Research subtopics:

  • Interrelations between sustainability and strategies at business and corporate levels
  • Corporate purpose, social enterprises, and sustainability
  • Diversity in the top management team
  • Causes and consequences of corporate social (ir)responsibility
  • Socially responsible investing and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG)
  • Institutions and sustainability
  • Addressing grand challenges in the global business environment
  • Internationalisation, multinational enterprises (MNEs) and social responsibility
International business and management of people, knowledge and technology across borders

Research within this theme unravels the complexities of the global business, institutional and regulatory environments through four distinct lenses: difference, distance, diversity and disparity.

We explore how these complexities shape or are shaped by the internationalisation, innovation, intellectual property (IP) and human capital strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs) and Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across emerging and advanced country contexts.

Several studies within our Group focuses on how organisations navigate the dynamic and changing nature of the global environment, by strategically developing and managing their knowledge, innovation and human capital assets across borders.

Our research reveals novel insights into the characteristics and dimensions of cross-country institutional and regulatory environments, such as the strength of national patent enforcement regimes across countries, corporate social responsibility practices, environmental regulations and the alignment with sustainable development goals.

We make significant contributions to existing theory by elucidating how these factors influence the global business activities and behaviours of firms, including internationalisation strategies, global market integration activities, knowledge transfer between headquarters and subsidiaries, patent and IP litigation strategies and management of human capital.

Research subtopics:

  • Global strategy and MNCs
  • Institutional contexts and organisational behaviour
  • Strategic IP management across global innovation contexts
  • Strategic human capital and international business
Innovation, collaboration and emerging digital technologies

Research within this theme encompasses theoretical, empirical and methodological investigations within the field of innovation management.

A central focus of our research lies in exploring the intricate web of collaborations and networks that underpin successful innovations and their emergence, evolution, management and impact on organisational performance.

By investigating how a wide array of stakeholders, including individuals, organisations and entire sectors, such as the four helices of the innovation system (industry, university, government, and civil society), converge to drive innovation, we aim to unveil effective strategies and policies for promoting collaborative innovations.

Understanding innovation as a complex and dynamic process is another pivotal area of our research.

We are interested in unravelling how innovations are brought into being in practice with an aim to develop process theories, frameworks and methodologies that can help organisations systematise innovation efforts in various sectors/industries.

Another significant area of our research focuses on how organisations can effectively navigate the complex landscape of emerging digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, the Internet of things (IoT), satellite imagery, and data analytics.

Specifically, we study the mechanisms and dynamics involved in leveraging and exploiting these new technologies for business model innovations.

Using organisational and learning theories, our researchers are contributing to developing a better understanding of various AI technologies and their impact on the organisation of scientific research, specifically labour processes, learning processes, operational efficiency, and reconfiguration of workplaces. 

Research subtopics:

  • Collaboration and networks for innovation
  • Innovation as a process
  • Intellectual property protection, and technology transfer
  • Management of emerging digital technologies
Entrepreneurship and social inclusion

Research within this theme explores the nature, untapped potential and scope of micro-enterprise as a sustainable pathway for the socio-economic integration of under-represented and disadvantaged groups.

We hold the view that inclusive entrepreneurship is an important vehicular transit for sustainable and inclusive growth, and suggest that weak institutional settings channel entrepreneurs away from productive activities, due to various reasons relevant at individual, firm, household and country levels.

Our research develops ground breaking knowledge about entrepreneurship as a socially situated phenomenon.

Taking this perspective, we theoretically develop and empirically evaluate how social processes interact with individual abilities to form various productive opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Our goal is to further our understanding of long-term trends, societal impact and the forms of entrepreneurship that can enable productive and 'good' work as policy makers 'build back better', 'level up' and develop inclusive economies.

We consider the process of acquiring and applying resources to be a process of agents interacting with socio-cultural relations that ultimately emerge from deep social relations such as class and gender.

Research subtopics:

  • Social inclusion for unlocking entrepreneurship: the potential for increasing entrepreneurial capacity
  • Social and responsible entrepreneurship
  • Resourcing the entrepreneurial Venture
  • Entrepreneurship across time and space

Research centres

Our Group hosts the Brett Centre for Entrepreneurship, which draws upon expertise from across the School to raise the understanding of entrepreneurship and contribute to both theory and practice.

We also work closely with the Centre for Sustainable Business and the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice.

Find out more about the Management School's research centres



Our Group regularly organises seminar series with international leading strategy, international business and entrepreneurship experts to present their latest research and ideas.


Wednesday 13 November 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Glen Dowell, Cornell University (USA)
  • Open to: SIBE Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 1.30-3 pm
  • In personRoom TBC

Wednesday 27 November 2024

  • Speaker: Dr John Mawdsley, HEC Paris (France)
  • Open to: SIBE Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 1.30-3 pm
  • In personRoom TBC


Past seminars


There Is a Dark Side to Everything: CEO Creativity and Corporate Social Irresponsibility

Once gone, never come back: The impact of drug shortages on patients' purchases from illegal pharmacies

The role of showcasing strategies in entrepreneurs

How the validity-consensus incongruity affects propriety beliefs following a negative shock: Evidence from the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights in Autocratic Contexts –The Case for Academic Freedom in Autocratic Regimes and the Contribution of Political CSR and Deliberation

On opportunities and possibilities: The past, the present and the future

Undercover Operations? MNE ‘Concealed Distancing’ in Hostile Geopolitical Environments


The Role of Autonomy in Problem Formulation and Creativity of R&D Workers

When the Pursuit of Goodness Fuels Reactance

How does rivalry affect technology exchanges between firms?

Intra- And Inter-Group Dynamics And The Market For Quality: Examining Mobility Of High Caliber Professionals

Contextualizing Entrepreneurship – Taking stock, exploring new directions

Product Market Choices of Entrepreneurial Ventures: The Role of Prior Experience

  • Dr Anu Wadhwa, Imperial College London (England)
  • 30 March 2023

Political disruption and international business 

Home favors and distant troubles: The impact of home bias on global litigation

Capitalizing the future: Using language to build opportunity capital

The issue is not the issue: Stakeholder pressures on Environmental, Social, and Governance Issues and Firm Actions

Engaging ethnic minority businesses in HR change: An action research study



Global Cities and Cosmopolitanism: An Examination of Sub-national and Supra-national Cultural Values

Not my CEO: Gender Effects in Employee Evaluations of the Chief Executive

 Firm Failure From an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Perspective: A Case Study

Alternatives to templates in qualitative research

Activists Investor Have CEOs on the Ropes – When Does the Board Throw in the Towel

A Cross-Country Study of the State's Multifaceted Impact on Greenwashing


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