Accounting and Finance
The group conducts world class empirical research in the areas of asset pricing, corporate finance and governance, macro-finance, and market-based accounting. The group has developed significant research strength and international reputation in these areas for example, in empirical asset pricing, identifying common risk factors across alternative asset classes, modelling the behaviour of commodity prices and volatility and developing econometric tests for stock return predictability.

The Economics Group builds on a strong tradition at Liverpool stretching back to the 1930s and the work of Nobel prize winner, Ronald Coase. Economics undertakes theoretical and applied work in Macroeconomic Policy, Econometrics and Big Data, and Applied Microeconomics. Strategic research investment has re-established the Group’s global reputation, and has created critical research mass in Macroeconomics with an emphasis on the future of macroeconomic policy.

Marketing is the newest Group in ULMS, established as a separate Group in 2019. Key research strengths in the Marketing Group lie in the application and development of Marketing Theory to the study of vulnerable consumers and marginalised groups as well as to industrial, business to business (B2B) and digital marketing, and the sociology of consumption.

Operations and Supply Chain Management
Research in the OSCM Group has made original contributions to the theory and practice of Operations and Supply Chain Management since its founding in 2002, through development and application of models, analytical techniques and technologies that underpin the achievement of excellence in the design of operations and supply chain systems. This group offers research expertise in five themes: transport and logistics); agri-food supply chains; sustainable supply chains; agile operations and supply chain technologies, analytics and risk management.

Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship
With interests spanning Strategy, International Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the group delivers world-leading research on advantage creation and exploitation in national and international contexts. Members of the group address key issues in these fields relevant to both academics and practitioners, with a growing depth of expertise in innovation and entrepreneurship. The group also explores themes that sit at the intersection of Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship. Members seek to support organisations seeking sustainable growth and competitive advantage opportunities, both small and more corporate, local and international.

Work, Organisation and Management
Research in WOM is concerned with understanding organisations, workers and society. Group members pursue research across organisation studies, organisational behaviour and HRM, for the purpose of enhancing health and well-being among workers, and improving sustainability within organisations. The Group has a strong track-record in institutional work studies, advancement of qualitative methodology, as well as research on work-life experiences, leadership, employee well-being, personality development and assessment, and inclusive and strategic human resource management practices.

Senior Management Team
The School Senior Management Team consists of the School Dean, Deputy Dean, Associate Dean for Research, Associate Deans Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and MBA, the Associate Dean International, all Subject Group Heads, and the Head of School Operations.

Advisory Board
The advisory board includes members from a variety of backgrounds, experience and sectors and offers advice and guidance to the School.