LAMBDA Research Cluster

Liverpool Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics (LAMBDA) Research Cluster is an interdisciplinary research hub that applies big data analytics and AI to improve strategic decision making and enhance business, industrial and economic performance.

Led by Professor Abderrahim Taamouti, the LAMBDA Research Cluster explores the potential of big data analytics for the business community, the financial world and policymakers.

The Cluster is developing and maintaining a ‘data warehouse’, containing a variety of micro data sets on the financial and operational information of firms and workers, scanner data of products, high-frequency stock market data, etc.

Members of the Cluster develop and apply machine learning methods and algorithms to explore, describe, visualise and synthesise complex relationships commonly observed in a variety of problems in the different School's subject group areas.

Please, contact Abderrahim ( for further details on the Cluster and how to become a member or affiliate. Both academics and PhD students are welcome!

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