Our Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) is an action-research based postgraduate programme, designed for senior professionals who want to drive transformational impact within their organisations, and become thought leaders in their professional area.
Format: part-time
Delivery: hybrid
Starting in: September 2024
Duration: 4.5-7.5 years
At an individual level, the Executive DBA is a professional doctorate for business leaders, which means it provides access to the highest level of academic qualification.
At a company level, the programme equips senior managers with high-level analytical and problem-solving skills to drive transformational change within their organisations.
This is a hybrid part-time learning programme, combining online modules with on-campus residencies during the first two years, to allow working professionals to study while fulfilling their job obligations.
The Executive DBA expands the traditional support from an expert supervisor, with Doctoral Development Plan modules aimed strengthening the students' research capabilities, so they are able to deploy these skills during their thesis workplan and after graduation.
The research skills your business needs to realise transformational impact
The Executive DBA places emphasis on highly relevant, workplace-based research, by producing truly actionable knowledge in the context of your organisation.