Our global rankings

Our global way of thinking about teaching, learning, research and everything we do has helped us achieve fantastic rankings and awards that put the University of Liverpool on the map.

165 th globally in the QS World University Rankings 2025

91 % of our research is rated world-leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework 2021

7 th Best city in the world according to TimeOut

Global top 200 university

We're ranked 165th globally by the QS World University Rankings 2025, and 160th globally by Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025. We are in the top 130 universities in the world for graduate employability levels (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022).

Gold-standard teaching

The official measure for UK teaching excellence, the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), awarded us it's highest rating, Gold. Achieving Gold means that our student experience and student outcomes have been deemed outstanding.

58th best student city in the world

QS World University Rankings Best Student City 2024 ranked top study destinations around the world to reveal which cities are the most student-friendly according to several factors, including affordability and desirability.

Globally ranked for sustainability

We’re ranked 50th in the world for our sustainability (QS Sustainability Ranking). Out of 1,400 universities, we scored especially high in environmental research, equality, health and wellbeing and governance.

Internationally excellent research

The UK's offical measure of research excellence, the Research Excellence Framework (REF), ranked us 19th in the UK for research power and delcared 91% of our research "world leading or internationally excellent."

Aiming for top-100

We’re ambitious. So even though we’re proud of our achievements, we’re looking to go even further. Our aim is to be a top-100 ranked global university, making a positive impact in the places we operate and the partnerships we build.