Doctoral Researchers in Marketing

Meet our PhD students and discover their innovative ideas and research in the area of Marketing.

Group of PhD students discussing their research ideas

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Tasneem Ali

Generative AI in Sustainability Marketing: Fostering Ethical Consumption and Building Brand Loyalty

My research focuses on generative AI’s impact on sustainability marketing, I examine its influence on consumer perceptions, brand loyalty, and responsible business practices.

This work addresses a key gap in understanding AI's role in environmental CSR, evaluating whether AI integration enhances or complicates responsible practices.

My goal is to reveal how AI-driven strategies can align with consumer values, streamline sustainable practices, and support the evolution of transparent, ethically focused businesses.

Matthew Bond headshot

Matthew Bond

Using multi-state models to detect potential football matches that have been manipulated

The goal within my research is to create an in-play football forecasting model using the statistical framework multi-state model, this model can then be compared to real life live odds provided by bookmakers to try to detect potential football matches that have been manipulated.

Oliver Buckley headshot

Oliver Buckley

The live frontier: Balancing influencer marketing opportunities with wellbeing challenges.

My research explores the dynamic world of interactive digital media.

Specifically, my ongoing research is focused on clarifying how livestreaming can revolutionize the influencer marketing landscape and provide new monetization avenues for online influencers and creators.

My research also considers the potential wellbeing implications of broadcasting oneself live online and aims to identify the main challenges livestreamers face and how these can best be alleviated.

Ultimately, my research aims to comprehensively understand the distinct opportunities and challenges presented by livestreaming and other similar digital media.

Kyaw Nyein Chan headshot

Kyaw Nyein Chan

When Being Yourself is Illegal and Stigmatised: Lived Consumption Experiences of Coming Out as Gay in Myanmar

The research project aims to understand the lived experiences of gay consumers navigating their identity and consumption during the significant process of coming out.

The research project will employ a multi-method qualitative research design and focus on Myanmar/Burma as a gay-unfriendly, non-Western research context with significant economic, legal, and socio-cultural differences from much-researched Western contexts.

The research project aims not only to make original academic contributions but also to generate important insights for future researchers, marketers/businesses, and LGBTQ+ advocates seeking to engage with gay communities from Myanmar and other similar Southeast Asian countries.

Joseph Robert Daniel headshot

Joseph Robert Daniel

Marketisation of the Indonesian Higher Education Sector: Institutional Mechanisms, Marketing Practices, and Implications for Widening Access

This research will explore the processes and consequences of marketisation of the Indonesian higher education sector, by investigating the application of marketing practices in the recruitment of undergraduate students in higher education institutions.

Using market system dynamics as theoretical perspective, this research aims to understand the complex interplay between market, marketing practices, and higher education as social institutions and how this interplay may further entrench social inequality.   

Conference Paper

Exploring the Dialectics of Marketplace Exclusion: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda, 45th Annual Conference of the Macromarketing Society.

Alex Knight headshot

Alex Knight

An investigation of the influence of technology-infused servicescapes on consumers’ service quality perceptions

My research focusses on the three areas of servicescapes, service quality and technological integration.

Specifically, this research seeks to explore how technologies such as robots and artificial intelligence are integrated within hotel servicescapes and its consequential impact on consumers’ perceptions of service quality and behavioural outcomes.

Daniel Lewin

Understanding palliative and end of life care access within a health ecosystem: An examination of the issues facing providers and service users

The overall aim of this project is to better understand the palliative and end of life care landscape from both a provider and a service user perspective, in order to identify opportunities for improvement within the healthcare ecosystem.

This project is based in a Primary Care Network (PCN) and includes community care services and other organisations as key actors within the ecosystem.

Qijia Liao headshot

Qijia Liao

Brand Social Activism in Marketing Context

My research focuses on brand social activism in marketing context.

Specifically, I explore the impact of a brand’s public stance on socio-political controversy on consumers behaviours (eg boycott, boycott, or switching to alternative brands, etc).

I primarily use lab experiments to test the research hypotheses.  

Julia Marcet Alonso headshot

Julia Marcet Alonso

Branding (Dis)enchantment: Exploring employer brand communications and the lived experience of employees in UK fast fashion retail

This thesis seeks to understand the ‘work’ that brand discourse does within the employer-employees nexus in the UK fast fashion retail sector, examining both the production of a brand discourse by the organisation and the consumption of that discourse by employees.

Naeema Neefa Neerattiparambil headshot

Naeema Neefa Neerattiparambil

Paling into Significance - Exploring the Lived Experiences and Everyday Consumption of Women in the Context of Colourism

My research intends to explore the concept of colourism, as heard from the voices of women who have faced discrimination based on their skin colour.

Specifically, this involves understanding the lived experiences of women at the crossroads of skin colour and gender.

Employing art-based methods in conjunction with other qualitative methods, this project will unveil the marketplace paths taken by women in their efforts to be ‘fairer’ subjects to pale into significance.

Nazin Shokravi headshot

Nazin Shokravi

Develop a forecasting method based on Machine learning algorithms for firm performance prediction

The aim of my research is to utilize machine learning methodologies to analyse large-scale marketing datasets, including consumer behaviour, features that impact sales, product preferences and so on.

By employing methods such as regression analysis, classification, clustering, and predictive modelling, the research seeks to extract meaningful information from the datasets.

The proposed methods involve model training and evaluation using machine learning techniques. The research will employ a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning approaches to address different research questions and objectives.

Jessica Weaver headshot

Jessica Weaver

My research focuses on how early experiences of breastfeeding (breastmilk feeding) difficulties impact on mental wellbeing.

I have an interest in mental wellbeing due to my previous role as a social worker in mental health services. I am also a recent first-time mum.

I was motivated to develop this project as I found breastfeeding difficult and found that a lot of my friends/family also struggled, and noticed that this can have an impact on wellbeing.

I am interested in the use of Participatory Action Research (PAR), that is research which shares control with those affected by the issue to work towards change.

The aim of the project is to identify what services do well and what could be done differently, as part of a Transformative Service Research agenda.

Shanshan Wu headshot

Shanshan Wu

The importance of commitment and trust in B2B relationships on social media

Trust and commitment are central to relational exchanges between a focal firm and its supplier, lateral, buyer, and internal partnerships.

My research focuses on the importance of commitment and trust in B2B relationships on social media.

I will explore how organisations build trust and commitment in B2B relationships on social media.

Multi-method qualitative research will be used in this research.