
We are ranked 12th in the sector for research classified as world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*) overall (covering outputs, impact and environment) out of 108 submissions, 16th in the sector for research outputs classified as world leading (4*), and 9th in the sector for research power. 100% of our research environment was classified world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*).

At University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS), a commitment to world-leading research lies at the heart of our vision. Our research is geared towards developing innovative work that delivers disciplinary and practice-oriented impact. ULMS is known for undertaking high quality, responsible research for the betterment of business, society and the environment. We meet the highest standards of reach and significance, locally, nationally and globally. 

Across the School, our research delivers socially-focussed and highly impactful real-world changes. Examples of this include working with business leaders and policy makers to tackle the ongoing challenges of modern slavery, internationally-focussed research on menstrual hygieneend of life research to maintain dignity in dying, significant work on developing small firm growth in the Liverpool City Region and our research using satellite imagery for the expansion of institutional credit for small and marginal-sized farmers in Indian agri-food supply chains and our research into the lived experience of those bereaved by COVID-19 is informing recommendations for improved pandemic planning and care.

Entrepreneurship is a long-standing research strength of ULMS and in 2021 thanks to a £1.25 million donation from a prominent alumnus, the Brett Centre for Entrepreneurship launched. The Centre focuses on problem-based, impact-driven research from enterprise through to regional and macro level entrepreneurship, engaging with academics, practitioners and policymakers.

ULMS runs regular events such as business breakfasts for the local business community, further deepening connections and delivering enhanced value across the region.

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