The 9th Annual Ethnography Symposium Papers

The 9th Annual Ethnography Symposium took place on 27-29 August 2014 in Ipswich.

The Papers presented at the 2014 Symposium can be found below.

Abdallah (Activist ethnography: reflexions on a performative methodology)

Almahmoud & Hopfl (An Ironic Loss: The position of Syrian women in exile)

Almahmoud hala (Retirement as a Decline: the Case of Ethnic Retirees in the UK)

Arkell (The emotions of finding out through autoethnography)

Biesty (Walking a space ‘in between’ – an outsider with a professional insider status)

Boersma (DEMANDING ACTION. A Narrative about U.S. Urban Firefighting Culture)

Clopot (Liminal identities of migrant groups – the Russian Old Believers of Romania)

Cooke (West African Djembe – A critical analysis: From Tribal Roots to Facebook)

Dance & Jarvis (“Here Be Dragons”: Team Coaching and Challenges to the Boundaries of Our Academic Selves)

Daubner (Identity work as researcher and practitioner in talent and diversity management:an autoethnographic approach)

De Rond (For Most Of It I Have No Words: Ethnography at the Edge)

Dietrich (Ageing-in-place. A practice theory view on disruptive innovation)

Doherty (Living the liminal: an ethnographic inquiry into the lives and praxis of independent co-creatives)

Ferdinand (Dealing with Revolting Students: An Ethnographic exploration of changes in HE student behaviour)

Freeman and Bell (What makes Christmas special?)

Gabor (THE CULTURAL LABYRINTH: Boundaries for Female Leaders with Family in Hungary)

Gaggiotti & Gaggiotti  (Playing in liminal organizational contexts: ethnographies of playing football and video gaming)

Garcia-Lorenzo (Between unemployment and entrepreneurship: The liminal transitions of Spanish and Irish necessity entrepreneurs)

Garrity (Between unemployment and entrepreneurship: The liminal transitions of Spanish and Irish necessity entrepreneurs.)

Garthwaite (In pursuit of the red voucher: An ethnographic case study of an emergency food bank in the North East of England, UK)

Gourdin (The Object(s) of Affection: Boundary Negotiations and Public Policy)

Hickman (Visual vestibules of work-life)

Holeman (Towards an Ethnography for Makers)

Hopfl, Manalsuren and Weir (“Suspended” Tradition – A Nomadic Time Concept)

Hopkinson (Quasi ethnographers at the edge: case studying in becoming a manager)

Kamsteeg (Narratives of Transformation. University Change in post-apartheid South Africa)

Kirke (Considerations of ‘Safety Culture’)

Kondo (We count your calories, but not your “self-efficacy”: Obesity treatment at a diabetic ward in one of the top hospitals in Japan)

Kondo & Nagatomi (Dual Paradoxes of MUJI Brand: Japan vs. Cosmopolitan and “No-brand”)

Lundberg (Dignity in Low Status Service Work – An Experimental Ethnographical Bricolage)

Mauksch (The Emergence of Entrepreneurship in Nepal)

McCabe (Liminal Resistance, Liminal Research: An Ethnographic Study of Resistance as Ceremony during a UK Public Sector Dispute)

Melville (Accounting for drawing (with) soldiers: Exploring the liminal zone between artistic practice, evaluation and ethnography)

Mendas (Exploring the terrain of friendship in rural and remote island community)

Merkus VanDenEnde (Priests and story-tellers enacting the infrastructure of the future: The ritualized and performative role of state officials in actualizing infrastructural developments)

Moreau (Hospital experiences/liminal spaces/ambiguous boundaries: A discursive ethnography)

Murphy (Motorcycling at the Edge)

Nocker (On ‘honeymoons’ and ‘wake-up calls’: Attempts at an auto-ethnography of multiple board membership)

ODoherty (‘Lounge Lizards’: Developments in Airport Ethnography)

Okely‌ (Living with Gypsies: Ethnographic fieldwork continues to resonate)

Ould Kherroubi (Ethnography as an essential but dangerous instrument in multi-ethnic occupational community: The case of railway teams in Brussels)

Pawsey Wier Hopfl (An Apple a day: the ethnography of a progressive medical condition)

Popova Down (Business Incubators as Liminal Spaces)

Raisanen (Exploring the unknown in the known: Female academics’ inquiry into male academics’ work-life coping strategies)

Raw (Participatory artists as experts in the interstitial: creative ritualists, harnessing latent capacities in liminality and marginality)

Richards (Contested Terrain: The ‘Tradium’ Takeover)

Riot (Can the State be Socially Innovative? On French Public Agents Actions and Representations about their Role and their Mission when They can Get Away from Managerialism)

Sharpe (On the Line)

Shaw (Organisational and group dialects as reinforcement mechanisms of group distinctiveness and boundary markers within a closed Civilian/Military organisation.)

Simpson (Conducting Fieldwork in the policing arena)

Smissaert (On the threshold of plot and body)

Stewart (Between the ropes: Getting close to the edge in research among professional Boxers)

Strudwick (The use of dark humour in Diagnostic Radiography)

Sutherland (Ethnography and leadership: Opportunities and potentialities)

Svenson (Extending Theory – The Impact of Organizational Culture on Competences)

Terrell  (A Field in the Middle of Nowhere is at the Center of Everything: Reflections on Political Ethnography in Rural South Africa)

Tutt (Re-walking the city: An ethnographic study of migrant workers’ informal routes into and through the UK construction industry)

VanDenEnde and VanMarrewijk and Boersma‌ (Machine baptisms and heroes of the underground: Sociomaterial entanglements and reconfigurations in an Amsterdam subway project)

Villa Marta (Liminality, rite of passage and initiation in the Italian Eastern Alps)

Von Koskull (Some Blood, Sweat and Tears will do you good?: Exploring and Conceptualizing Emotions in Service Innovation Processes)

Wegener (Crossing and/or deconstructing boundaries?)

Wilby (Folk on the fringes of popular music culture – an insider’s reading of the object-signs.)

Willems (Collaboration Between Allies and Foes: (Con)testing boundaries.)

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