The 5th Annual Ethnography Symposium Papers

The 5th Annual Ethnography Symposium took place in 2010.

Armstrong, Peter. Identity Kit: Writing Identity into the Scripts of Anxiety.

Bassetti, Chiara. Learning to (be a) dance(r). On “becoming the phenomenon” and writing/reporting ethnography.

Bell, Linda and Villadsen, Aase. Ethnography meets evaluation: identifying the ‘professional’ support needs of social work students.

Brandt, Femke. Ethnography Symposium London 2010. Stream: legitimacy of ethnographic research practices.

CLarke, Caroline and Jarvis, Carol. Disappearing up our own backsides: academic introspections on identities.

Cureton J, Peter. Becoming a manager in a contact centre: “it’s not rocket science is it?”

Fontefrancesco, Michele F. The ‘City of Goldsmiths’: work, local identity and rhetoric.

Gasper, Roz and Davies, Annette. Identity (Re)constructions in Public Meetings: An Ethnography of the Governance of Crime and Disorder.

Halttunen, Leena. Work, Organisation and Ethnography. Theme: Organisational and workplace cultures and sub-cultures. Subcultures in distributed organisations.

Hartlet, Daniel. As Skylarks 'climb high above': The17- Call that Music?

Junaid, Muhammad, Living the Code of Honour: Pashtunwali and Entrepreneurial Identity of Afghans in Peshawar.

Kamsteeg, Frans et al. Ethnographying police identity formation. Tales from street and management cops.

Kerosuo, Hannele. Ethnography of experiencing organizational deadlocks in an intervention of hospital work.

Kirke, Charles.  Ensign Hill: a Credible Defence?

Lethbridge, Sarah. The Ethnography of Organisational Change Within a Lean University Programme

Mangan, Anita. Authorised personnel only: Reflections on a study about counterfeit medicine.

Manzoor, Humera and Nocker, Dr Manuela. Emotions in the Boardroom: The Case of NHS Foundation Trust.

Marzueani, Intan. “Re-negotiating Diplomacy: An Auto-ethnographic process‟

Nolas, Dr Sevasti-Melissa. “Is this ethnography? A critical evaluation of methodological choices and their consequences in a piece of practice based research.”

Omanović, Vedran. Reflections on Diversity Production in Organizations: Encounters and the Search for Alternatives

O'Sullivan, Stephen. It’s Important to be Earnest? The Seriousness of Play in Constructing Group Identity

Pekkinen, Sanna. The Professional Identity of Cultural Producers

Flores-Pereira, Maria Tereza and Cavedon, Neusa Rolita. Cooking the dimensions of study of organizational artifacts: an embodied analysis of a bistro’s kitchen ethnography

Rauf, Asma. Ethnography of Female Diaspora Networks: Case of Pakistani Female Entrepreneurs in London.

Robinson, Sarah.Managing professionalism: an ethnographic study of a public education bureaucracy in the Australian context

Santoro, Roberto. ‘Running’ a Fair Trade business: seeking fairness amongst the members of a socially-committed enterprise.

Schoneboom, Abigail. Growing your own: Designing an ethnographic approach to study the form, function and feel of allotment work.

Sikora, Katarzyna.Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences.

Strudwick, R.M. An ethnographic study of the culture in an Diagnostic Imaging Department (DID).

Watts, Linda. The Identity of a ‘Modernising Manager’: a reflection on the use of ethnographic methods in a critical inquiry.

White, Alison. Ethnography and Practice Based Research.

Worthington. What is “legitimate” knowledge? What is “illegitimate” knowledge?

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