ACT Resources

Learn more about the Associate Clinical Teacher training programme and access a recording of a prior induction presentation.

The Associate Clinical Teachers (ACT) programme supports trainee doctors who are seeking to develop their educational portfolio. All trainee doctors in the Health Education North West region are eligible to apply, though we particularly seek interest from those who work in acute disciplines and are grade ST3 (or equivalent) or above. 

The ACT programme consists of an initial induction and teaching skills course, followed by five or more half day teaching opportunities with observation and feedback over the year. Each ACT has a mentor, under whose guidance they complete an undergraduate education project. An electronic log book is provided and a certificate is given to all ACTs who complete the programme.

Recruitment begins in Spring for a September start each year. If you would like to express an interest in the programme, or to find out more, please email

ACT Induction Day

These live recordings were made on the ACT programme induction CPD day. September 23rd 2022.  


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