Communications and Announcements

Keep your finger on the pulse of all the goings on at the School and know when and how to expect news and updates in your inbox.

Daily Ops

Every morning at 9:15, staff at the School of Medicine meet (over Zoom) in a Huddle facilitated by a member of the SMT. Everyone involved with delivering teaching at the School is welcome to attend. An email summarising the main notices shared at the Huddle meeting is circulated daily via the Daily Ops mailing list.

  • Contact PA to the Dean of the School of Medicine, Claire Sands at to be added to the Daily Ops mailing list and/or the 9:15 Huddle meeting invite.

Communication & Publications

Day-to-day updates of what is going on at the School, particularly items impacting student experience, are shared via the Daily Ops email circulation as outlined above.

You will also receive other communications related to specific events and opportunities, as well as some periodical publications.


Learning lunches and other training opportunities, recruitment updates and important notices are usually circulated via email, again primarily using the Daily Ops mailing list.

FACE CPD invitations and newsletter

If you choose to join our Faculty of Clinical Educators network (link) you will receive invitations to a regular calendar of CPD events throughout the year, as well as a monthly newsletter. Learn more about FACE on the School website (link).

Student newsletter

On the last Friday of every month, student doctors receive The Pulse student newsletter which features a Dean’s Update and a round up of all news stories posted on the School of Medicine news page throughout the month. An overview of the top stories and highlights is shared with staff the following Monday.

  • Browse the latest stories on the School’s news page (link).
  • We are keen to celebrate the initiatives and successes of staff and students in our articles. If you have something you would like to share, please send it over to

The Communications & Engagement team also manages the Weekly Student Bulletin, which is sent out every Tuesday, tailored to each year group, and consolidates all non-curriculum related notices in one round up.

The Year teams are responsible for the Friday Weekly Briefings, which provide year-specific curriculum related notices such as deadlines, action items and course updates.

Non-School communications

You may also receive news bulletins and newsletters from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, alongside other University official communications or newsletters.

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