We welcome interest from members of University of Liverpool staff, doctors working in the Mersey region at ST level or above, including enquiries from Consultant level and Academic staff interested in formal leadership and curriculum management roles.
If you are interested in examples of our teaching opportunities on this page, or you would like to make a general enquiry, please complete our Expression of Interest Form (pdf).
Teams | Details |
Faculty of Academic and Clinical Educators |
The Faculty of Academic and Clinical Educators (FACE) provides colleagues from across the region with opportunities to meet together, discuss new approaches to medical education and share innovative ideas for development. A regular programme of CPD is offered across the year, covering a range of topics including feedback, assessment and teaching techniques. These are mapped to AoME, HEA and GMC domains to allow educators to develop their portfolio of experience. Membership is free. Join online today! Sign up for the Faculty of Clinical Educators (Link will open in a new window) |
CPD Programme of Events |
Plans are ongoing to expand our Faculty of Clinical Educators (FACE) CPD programme, with a rolling schedule of medical education development events. With a mixture of daytime and evening sessions there should be something to suit everyone’s rota. Each event is mapped to GMC, AoME and AdvanceHE (formerly HEA) guidance for educators, to help you develop your portfolio of evidence, whether for appraisal, revalidation or simply the joy of learning! |
Associate Clinical Teachers |
The School of Medicine has developed an Associate Clinical Teachers (ACT) programme to support trainee doctors who are seeking to develop their educational portfolio. All trainee doctors in the Health Education North West region are eligible to apply, though we particularly seek interest from those who work in acute disciplines and are grade ST3 (or equivalent) or above. The ACT programme consists of an initial teaching skills course, followed by five or more half day teaching opportunities with observation and feedback over the year. Each ACT has a mentor, under whose guidance they complete an undergraduate education project. An electronic log book is provided and a certificate is given to all ACTs who complete the programme. All costs for training, support, developmental sessions and travel are met by the University. Time to participate (approximately 5 days across the year) should be taken as part of study leave. Prior to starting the programme, successful applicants are required to confirm approval from their Training Programme Director (TPD). Recruitment begins in Spring for a September start each year. If you would like to express an interest in the programme, or to find out more, please email teachmed@liverpool.ac.uk (link). |
Communication for Clinical Practice Tutors (CCP) |
Interactive Communication for Clinical Practice (CCP) workshops are delivered by a dedicated team of doctors and other healthcare professionals with a special interest in supporting student doctors as they develop their professional communication skills. If you are interested in joining our CCP tutor team please visit our School's CCP Webpages for more information (link). |
Education Fellows |
Each year the School of Medicine appoints a number of Clinical Medical Education Fellows. These are appointed for 12 months to undertake a major role in the organisation and delivery of the MBChB curriculum. Fellows teach, assess, provide student support and engage in curriculum development activity, as well as appropriate CPD and research opportunities. Applications are open to trainees who are fully registered practitioners, with an interest in medical education. Further details are available on the University’s recruitment pages (link). |
Examiners |
Our clinical skills team are always looking to recruit OSCE examiners to assess students’ clinical competence in practical examinations. If you’re a doctor or healthcare professional and would like to become an examiner, you can learn more on the Clinical Assessment (OSCE) Examiner Portal (link). |
Educational Supervisors |
Each undergraduate medical student at Liverpool is allocated an educational supervisor whilst on placement, which are vital assets in providing support and guidance on how to access and make the most of learning opportunities, providing feedback and reviewing progress. If you are interested in becoming an educational supervisor please speak to your Trust’s education team. For more information on the role of the educational supervisor, see the General Medical Council’s Promoting Excellence: standards for medical education and training (link) publication. |
Honorary Contracts |
For clinicians or educators with a significant involvement in teaching students at the School of Medicine, honorary positions (such as Honorary Senior Lecturer, Lecturer or Clinical Tutor) are available. The Clinical Sub Deans at each NHS Trust are responsible for recommending staff for honorary status, so if you are interested you should speak to the relevant Clinical Sub Dean in the first instance. Guidance on how to apply and the relevant forms can be found on the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Honorary Contracts webpage (link). If you have any further queries please contact hlsclinicalhonorary@liverpool.ac.uk (link). |
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