Academic staff
- Dr Andrew Woodhouse (Director) - Critical approaches to EU and UK public law.
- Dr Philip Burton - History and theory of international law.
- Dr Gregory Davies - Devolution, particularly in Wales; the political functions of the judiciary within the UK's territorial constitution; prisoners' rights; Marxist and other materalist approaches to legal and constitutional analysis.
- Dr Eleanor Drywood - Children's rights perspectives to sports law; EU law; asylum and immigration law.
- Professor Michelle Farrell - International law, human rights law, state power and violence.
- Dr Andrea Gideon - Comparative law; comparative competition law; competition law in ASEAN.
- Professor Michael Gordon - UK constitutional reform, constitutional theory, the relationship between the UK and the EU.
- Professor Thomas Horsley - Constitutional and comparative law with particular focus on the UK and EU legal systems.
- Dr Emily Ireland - Legal history, particularly socio-legal and feminist histories of the criminal law, equity, and family law.
- Dr Katie Johnston - Public international law, with particular interests in the law on the use of force (jus ad bellum) and the sources of international law.
- Dr Brian Christopher Jones - Public law, comparative constitutional law, constitutional theory, law and politics.
- Dr Robert Knox - The relationship between law and the political-economic structures of capitalism.
- Dr Ben Murphy - Public international law; international law and the use of force; international institutional law; the interface between international law and public law theory.
- Dr Anne Neylon - Immigration and refugee law.
- Dr Darryn Nyatanga - Constitutional implications stemming from the UK's withdrawal from the EU (Brexit) and its impact on devolution.
- Dr Maayan Niezna - Trafficking for labour exploitation, the regulation of labour migration, the rights of non-citizens.
- Dr James Organ - EU participatory democracy.
- Dr Stephanie Reynolds - EU constitutional law, the law of the single marekt, Union citizenship, EU legal framework relating to the protection of fundamental rights.
- Dr Katy Sowery - EU constitutional law, domestic constitutional law and theory, animal law and critical jurisprudential theory.
- Dr Adam Tucker - Constitutional law, constitutional theory, legal philosophy.
- Professor Yuliia Volkova - Honorary visiting fellow.
- Dr Tarek Yusari Khaliliyeh (Department of Philosophy) - Criminal law and justice.
Postgraduate researchers
- Aoife Bowdler - Aoife's working thesis title is 'The Political Economy of Collective Security'.
- Kate Dewsnip - Kate's working thesis title is 'Scrutiny in the United Kingdom Legislative Process: Parliament in Ordinary and Exceptional Times'.
- Erandin Jayasooriya - Erandin's working thesis title is 'Justice, pragmatism, and favour: reforming presidential pardoning in Sri Lanka'.
- William Norcup-Brown - William's working thesis title is ‘Property and Protest: a positive right of access to privately owned public spaces’.
- Muhammad Shahid
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