Our programmes
Whether you are planning a career in the legal profession or a career in almost any other field of expertise, studying a law degree with us will challenge and inspire you.
School life
Learn more about the Liverpool Law School and visit our faq section.
Liverpool Law Clinic
Gain direct, practical experience of advising or representing real clients with genuine cases in our in-house legal practice.
Employabilty and careers
Discover our employability and enchancement opportunities, including placements, professional mentoring and our extra-curricular lectures from key speakers within the legal industry.
Study Abroad
Discover our study abroad opportunities and broaden your horizons.
What our students say
Hear from current students about studying with us and the opportunities available at the School.
Why study with us?
An exciting place to study law, we offer a vibrant array of extra-curricular activities, a friendly and supportive student community and excellent employability opportunities.
Malaysia/Singapore to Liverpool
Information for students who want to study at Liverpool Law School through Malaysia/Singapore Universities Transfer Degree Programmes.
Law discretionary offers
Our commitment to social justice is reflected in our admissions strategy and a degree of discretion is afforded to us at departmental level to be able to personalise our offers.