Our team of qualified solicitors can advise you about family law problems involving children. They are assisted by trained and supervised law students. The service is offered for free of charge to those who cannot afford to pay a solicitor privately elsewhere.
Family advice and support appointments (child matters only)
We offer appointments for advice on court procedure, alternatives to court and strengths and weaknesses of your case. Following advice appointments, we may be able to offer support in form-filling and statement writing depending on capacity.
Family law legal advice service for LGBTQ+ families
Liverpool Law Clinic gives free confidential legal advice and support about:
- Planning a baby
- Managing legal agreements after birth
- Child arrangements
We offer appointments at our purpose-built Clinic and can offer online appointments for those unable to reach us.
Open an enquiry
We are currently open for Family Law enquiries. If you would like to open an enquiry with us, please fill out our enquiry form.
Liverpool Family Court
Our family law team also provide free and confidential legal advice and support at the First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointments (FHDRA) in child arrangement cases. The service is run by solicitors and volunteer law students from the University of Liverpool with appointments taking place in advance of your hearing.
Birkenhead Family Court
Our family law team provide free and confidential support at the First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointments (FHDRA) in child arrangement cases. The service is run by trained students who attend court weekly to offer support to those not legally represented. Legal advice is not available at court but arrangements can be made prior to or post hearing for an advice appointment.
Alternative free legal advice service in Liverpool
You may want to try contacting Temple Legal or LJMU Legal Advice Centre. Both of these organisations are based in Liverpool and offer free legal advice on family law issues.
Domestic abuse
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, you can contact the National Domestic Abuse Abuse Helpline for assistance. Visit the National Domestic Abuse Helpline website.
If you need legal help with an application for a non-molestation order, you may be eligible for legal aid. You can contact FLOWS or the National Domestic Violence Centre for help.
Legal aid
If you are in receipt of welfare benefits or working on a low income, you may be eligible for legal aid to assist with the cost of mediation.
Legal aid is available for court proceedings regarding children if you are a victim of domestic abuse or your children are at risk of harm. You can find out more about how to apply for legal aid on the Government website.
If you are trying to reach an agreement with your ex-partner, or if you need to get a mediation certificate before starting court proceedings, you can find a local family mediator through the Family Mediation Council. Visit the Family Mediation Council website.
Support at court
If you have a court hearing coming up and you do not have a lawyer, you can contact Support Through Court. They are a charity that helps people through court proceedings. They are not lawyers so cannot give you advice on your case, but they can attend hearings to take notes and can help you with court forms. Visit the Support Through Court website.
Useful websites
You can find helpful guides to family law on the Advice Now and Child Law Advice websites.
Information about the family advice service
Please read these leaflets for information about the service we offer and how we will manage your data:
- Family Law Advice Service Client Care Leaflet (pdf)
- Liverpool Law Clinic Privacy Notice 2024 (pdf)
- Liverpool Law Clinic Complaints Policy 2023 (pdf)
The Law Clinic are grateful for the support of the following organisations which make it possible for us to help more clients and provide valuable experience for more students.
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