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Health and Safety

The University is committed to providing you with a safe learning and living environment but we can only achieve this if we have your full support.

In the same way we expect all our staff to work to high safety standards, we ask that you take health and safety seriously by:

• Taking reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and others
• Acting in accordance with University safety rules.

As a minimum you should:

• Familiarise yourself with the fire procedures in buildings, including what to do if you discover a fire, what to do if the alarm sounds and where to assemble should you have to evacuate the building. The normal way into a building may not be available to you in a fire situation so ensure you know what alternative routes exist
• Know the number to use in an emergency – on the University telephone system this is 2222
• Never wedge open fire doors or obstruct escape routes
• Always report accidents, near misses or dangerous conditions
• Always follow any health and safety instructions you are given.

More information can be found here.

Student Safety Information

For students undertaking field or lab work, additional health and safety requirements apply. You may also be required to undertake a risk assessment. Further details will be provided as part of your degree programme.


For up-to-date guidance on COVID-19 and staying safe on campus, visit the University safety hub.