Year two students on archaeology fieldwork placements on a dig and others look at archaeological artifacts

Year 2 fieldwork and employability placements

Having completed two weeks of introductory training on the departmental field school (at the end of their first year) those students requiring a further two weeks of training for their degree are offered a two-week placement in their second year.

The following degrees require 4 weeks of practical training:

Degree programme

(no. weeks)

V400 BA Archaeology (100% / 75%)


V401 BA Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations (100% / 75%)


VZ02 BSc Archaeology (100% / 75%)


VZB1 BSc Evolutionary Anthropology


V4V6 BA Archaeology and Egyptology


Year 2 placements

Year 2 placements usually take place during the summer following your second year of study, although some are available during term-time.

In Semester 1, students are invited to apply for our Garstang Museum placements, and Professor Baird contacts students about our Turkey excavations.

In Semester 2, we hold a Year 2 fieldwork meeting in February to present placement options on offer that year. Students then select their 1st and 2nd choices. If a placement is over-subscribed, a 100-word statement may be requested, to aid the project director in their final decision.

Decisions around placements are made in advance of the Easter break.

Recent placements have included:

Garstang Museum of Archaeology

The British Museum

Portable Antiquities Scheme

University of Liverpool Heritage Collections

Excavations at Pinarbasi and Mendik, Turkey

Excavations at Little Crosby Hall, Liverpool (site assistant roles)

Excavations at Wogan’s Cavern, Pembrokeshire

Survey of the Plas Maen rock art panel

Excavations at Olynthos, Greece


Please contact our HLC Fieldwork Officer, Jane Stockley for further information.

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