Liver Buildings

Independent Research Fellowships

Independent research fellows are an integral part of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences research community. We are committed to maximising the potential of fellows working within the Faculty, and supporting and mentoring applications from new fellowship candidates or candidates wishing to move an existing fellowship.

We have hosted fellowships funded by EU Marie Curie Actions, Royal Society, NERC, BBSRC, Wellcome Trust, MRC, UKRI, Arthritis UK, British Heart Foundation, NIHR, Leverhulme Trust and the Medical Research Foundation. We have a strong record of recruiting fellows into Faculty positions or similar positions at other UK / overseas universities.

If you are interested in applying for a fellowship to come to Liverpool, or bringing your independent fellowship to Liverpool, please send a brief academic CV to one of the Faculty fellowship contacts or alternatively any member of staff more closely aligned to your research area.

LIVE CALL: The Sir Robert Boyd Fellowship for early career researchers is now open. Please see details.

Support for fellows

Pre-application support

  • Support for informal visits
  • Introduction to academic colleagues relevant to your proposal
  • Advice on creating and maintaining an online academic profile
  • Mentoring on which fellowship to apply for
  • Examples of successful applications for your chosen funding scheme
  • Guidance for administrative processes, including costing a proposal
  • Peer review and feedback on drafts
  • Mock interview panels
  • Signposting to:
    - Fellowship development services, such as the NIHR Research Design Service hosted at the University
    - Patient and public involvement panels

Post-award support

  • 1:1 support from an allocated senior mentor
  • Faculty Silver Athena SWAN award working environment which values diversity, collegiality, openness and flexibility
  • State-of-the-art research facilities through Liverpool Shared Research Facilities (LIV-SRF).
  • Priority access to our Liverpool Shared Research Facilities voucher scheme.
  • Peer review and support for grants and further funding proposals.
  • Teaching opportunities with Honours and Masters level projects for those that want them.
  • Access to PhD studentships through our Doctoral Training Partnerships
  • Access to internally allocted competitive seed funding, e.g. ODA Seed Fund, P2D vouchers, Wellcome ISSF.
  • Training and personal development through The Leadership, Organisational, Professional and Academic Development Academy.
  • Principal Investigator training and support through the multi-million pound Prosper project.
  • Peer support and training through Early Career Researcher networks. 

Career progression

  • Mentoring for progression to permanent positions.
  • Ongoing professional development through The Leadership, Organisational, Professional and Academic Development Academy.
  • Opportunities for progression will vary by fellowship scheme but include proleptic appointments and opportunities to be placed on our Tenure Track Fellowship Scheme, where candidates normally progress to a tenured position.
  • A membership/voice in the Early Career Researcher Faculty network.
  • Opportunities to represent Early Career Researchers in different leadership committees.

Fellowship contact details

Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences
Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology  
Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences
Institute of Population Health

Faculty Socials

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences


Institute of Population Health


Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences


Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology


Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (LinkedIn)


The strength and quality of research in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences was a big factor in my choice of host Faculty. The state of the art facilities on offer, and the commitment to fellows within the Faculty, all helped me to decide that this is where I wanted to bring my fellowship.

Sharon Zytynska, BBSRC David Phillips Fellow

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