My Experiences with Decolonisation of Curriculum
Posted on: 27 October 2021 by Joe in Posts

Over the past year I’ve become quite captivated by Native American history and Indigenous rights globally, and I even plan to do my dissertation next year on Indigenous representation in literature. This project was a superb opportunity for me to foster greater research skills, learn more about similar international initiatives, and perhaps get other students interested too.
My presentation had a specific focus on my second year English Literature modules and exam questions. I suggested while some modules are already very effective in engaging with colonialism, slavery, racism and related topics, some modules on canonical English literature should be revised to include a stronger postcolonial backing.
I also visited a range of BIPOC lectures through Eventbrite, and dedicated two blog posts to passing on their message. One was a community health project by the Fraser Salish, a Canadian First Nation people, on the functioning of a local health clinic. The second was by famous Anishinabee activist Sarain Fox, discussing a promotional video for Canada’s National Indigenous History Month Campaign. The third was from a Mexican art curator in Whitney, Texas, discussing her attempts to make art galleries more inclusive for local Latin American artist.
Keywords: Native American history, Decolonisation of Curriculum.