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Seeing Arts Health Research Enacted (SHARED):

Understanding what works for whom in arts and humanities-based approaches to mental health and wellbeing across the globe. 

This project, led by Professor Josie Billington in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and Makerere University, Kampala, will establish an international network of researchers, arts providers and health partners to explore:  

  • which Arts and Humanities based approaches are working for whom (when, why and where)  


  • what is evidenced best practice for embedding Arts and Humanities-based research in mental health and wellbeing provision in diverse socio-cultural contexts, nationally and globally. 

With a specific focus on equality and inclusion, and the special part Arts and Humanities have to play in overcoming health inequities and exclusions globally, the network is motivated by a ‘trans-knowledging’ agenda. Research evidence shows that high income countries have valuable lessons to learn from low-income ones, especially in embracing pluralism in respect of approaches to mental health and wellbeing 

Three focused workshops - (i) strategic partnerships between Arts and Health providers (ii) inclusive practices in mental health care and (iii) alignment with existing community capacities - will bring together state-of-the-art knowledge and expertise with ongoing successful models of Arts and Humanities-based research in mental health from across the world.  

Building on the exceptionally strong track record in two UK cities (Liverpool and Glasgow) of innovative collaboration between arts and health, as well as on the interdisciplinary research team's experience of working locally and (inter)nationally on Arts and Humanities research for mental health, the workshop series will emphasise co-creation with stakeholders of the means for embedding research-based change and promoting joined-up planning of arts in health care nationally and internationally. 

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‘Seeing Arts Health Research Enacted (SHARED): Understanding what works for whom in arts-based approaches for mental health and wellbeing globally.’ (Reference No. AH/W008483/1).

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