White SHARED text overlayed with cityscape on blue background

Seeing Arts Health Research Enacted

SHARED offers insights into successful international arts in health collaborations.

Seeing Arts Health Research Enacted (SHARED) is a researcher-led project that aims to understand what works in arts and humanities-based approaches to mental health and wellbeing across the globe.

The project is a collaboration between the Universities of Liverpool and Glasgow, UK and Makerere University, Uganda. It shares insights and innovation from a broader network of partners, including arts practitioners, health providers and academic researchers based in the Middle East, East Africa, North America, Oceania and the UK.

Our aims and activities

SHARED offers insights about what works in arts in health provision in varied communities and contexts across the globe. It provides evidence of best practice and a range of approaches to embedding arts and humanities-based research into effective mental health and wellbeing initiatives.

In 2023, we hosted a series of workshops on:

  • alignment with existing community capacities
  • inclusive practices in mental health
  • strategic partnerships between Arts and Health providers

These events brought together state-of-the-art knowledge and active on-the-ground expertise to explore what makes arts in health partnerships effective in diverse socio-cultural contexts and to share successes, opportunities and challenges among practitioners.  

This digital anthology has emerged from our SHARED network. It showcases living examples of successful arts and humanities research-based activities. We hope that these can be replicated, or inspire new models, by care providers worldwide as they seek to address the unprecedented mental health and wellbeing care burden produced by COVID-19 and other ongoing national, regional and global challenges.

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