Leahurst campus
Welcome to our Leahurst campus
Located in the heart of rural Cheshire, 12 miles south of Liverpool, the Veterinary School's Leahurst campus employs over 350 staff, including over 100 veterinary surgeons and teaches veterinary students in all years of their studies, but especially those in their fourth and fifth years.
The site is home to two farms, two referral hospitals, and two of the Institute's three first-opinion practices.
In addition, the Leahurst main building includes a student common room, a lecture theatre, a clinical skills laboratory, two data centres, and two post-mortem rooms, as well as research and diagnostic laboratories. Each hospital has dedicated teaching spaces for small group seminars, and rooms in which to present ‘rounds’ every day. There is an equine museum that houses various models and specimens of clinical interest as well as diagnostic-image viewing suites where students can examine x-rays, MRI and CT scans.
Uniquely for a veterinary school, we own two working farms that provide fantastic teaching opportunities for our students, and for the many school children (vets of the future we hope) who come to the visitor centre.
As part of the Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences there are active research units on the Leahurst campus including the Mammalian Behaviour and Evolution (MBE) research group and researchers in Animal Disease and Global Health. Summer projects are available to those students thinking about a career in research and intercalation is strongly encouraged and supported.
Leahurst campus is also home to our Veterinary Postgraduate for veterinary surgeons, and physiotherapists and Leahurst House houses a refectory for staff, students and clients, as well as a student common room and a bar.
The Henry Edwards Learning Centre houses the farm animal practice, along with a number of seminar rooms and small-group teaching rooms. A microscopy suite and a clinical skills laboratory are also housed within the centre, as well as the campus library. The library is accessible to students all the time via their student cards and houses textbooks and journals, two study areas and computer facilities.
Virtual tour

I chose Liverpool because of the high quality of practical-thinking vets the school produces. There is a really strong community amongst staff and students.