Historical variation and change

Historical Variation and Change Cluster

The Historical Variation and Change Cluster brings together linguists interested in exploring how language adapts itself to its different contexts of use (place, socio-cultures, time, domains) and the extent to which those processes of adaptation may lead to processes of language change.

Another common interest of all researchers in this cluster is corpus linguistics: several members have developed or are involved in the development of historical corpora and/or corpus software. The cluster has particular strengths in historical dialectology, nineteenth-century letter-writing, syntactic and semantic change, identity and migration in early and late modern English and historical stylistics.

Key areas of interest are as follows:

  • Enregisterment in varieties of English, with particular reference to the Yorkshire dialect
  • Historical ego-documents (personal letters, diaries and first-person narratives)
  • ‘Brain-drain’: academic migration in the UK
  • The language of Jane Austen and her contemporaries
  • The history and development of the Noun Phrase
  • Language and Identity in the Early Modern English period
  • Digital Humanities

Members of this cluster include:

Cluster Lead: Caterina Guardamagna

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