
We are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for both synthesis and characterisation including, for example: powder and single crystal (Rigaku rotating anode – highest intensity home lab source in Europe) X-ray diffraction; X-ray instrumentation for parallel sample and thin film analysis (Panalytical), gas sorption measurements (Micromeritics, Quantochrome and Hiden instrumments), SQUID magnetometry, Radiant ferroelectric characterisation, (combinatorial) RHEED monitored pulsed laser deposition, variable pO2 dc conductivity and impedance spectroscopy; symmetrical SOFC characterisation, high pressure synthesis (Rockland multianvil), parallel robotic synthesis, solvothermal reaction vessels, robotic microwave reactors, robotic liquid handlers, FE-SEM, FTIR, particle sizing, and NMR.

The Materials Innovation Factory

The group is housed in state of the art facilities within the new £68M Materials Innovation Factory, offering the project team a superb research environment. The Materials Innovation Factory is a new concept in materials research, where over 100 industrial researchers work and share many analytical and synthesis capabilities with academic researchers, creating an excellent environment for knowledge exchange and informal networking. The building has extensive space for visitors and features dedicated space for project collaborators from UCL.

Our equipment base includes:

  • Fully automated robotic / microwave synthesizers for the preparation of organic molecules, porous organic cages, polymers, and metal-organic frameworks
  • Fully automated NMR with SampleJet accessory (up to 500 samples)
  • High-throughput powder X-ray diffraction for structure determination and polymorph screening
  • Thermal analysis equipment
  • 96-well plate-based spectroscopy (FTIR, UV, fluorescence)
  • Gel permeation chromatography (three systems)
  • Atlas scale-up process reaction
  • ChemSpeed Miniplant system (autoclaves)
  • NautilusTM Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

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