Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Suite

The crystallography laboratory provides the crystallographic service for research groups at the University of Liverpool.

The service provides crystal structure determinations at the temperature range 90 – 400 K using one of our state-of-the-art CCD area detector diffractometers.

These facilities allow fast screening of samples.

The service offers a choice of either Cu- or Mo-Radiation and a data collection temperature of 100 K is the standard experimental mode.

The service also provides a number of non-standard experimental techniques:

  • Various methods of handling sensitive and non-stable samples;
  • Multi-temperature (90-400K) measurements (mainly used for studying phase transitions);
  • In situ crystallisation of non-solid under ambient conditions;
  • Various high-pressure attachments.

Dr. Craig Robertson runs the service and is the first point of contact.

To submit samples to Crystallographic Service please read the X-Ray Service Information sheet and then complete an X-ray Diffraction form.


We also provide a crystallographic service to outside parties on a commercial basis; please contact Dr Craig Robertson for more details.

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