Our Chemistry Department is internationally known for its research in fields such as materials chemistry, chemistry of world health, chemical models, energy and interfaces and organic synthesis and catalysis.
This is a place where academic and industrial researchers work side by side, sharing knowledge in highly advanced research labs.
This model of working with industry has been particularly successful, so much so that we have now developed a £81 million Materials Innovation Factory in partnership with Unilever; a state of the art facility co-locating up to 250 researchers from academia and industry with shared access to a suite of cutting edge materials chemistry equipment.
Our place in the table
Our research was highly rated in the most recent 2021 Research Excellence Framework ranked in the top 10 in the UK for world leading (4*) research which feeds straight into our teaching.
Study with us and you will be involved in genuine frontier science projects and with our £28m Central Teaching Hub there is no better place to learn.
Ranked in the top 20 in the latest Guardian league table, this is one of the most exciting places to study or research Chemistry.
GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Johnson Matthey are just some of the companies involved in our research and teaching.
Call it the perfect chemistry!
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