INSPIRE Public engagement activities

Public engagement is an important part of research.

We give our veterinary students the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of public engagement activities.

Meet the Scientist

The Meet the Scientist events are a collaboration with the University of Liverpool (UoL) and the World Museum, Liverpool.  The events comprise a variety of stations with different scientific, medical and veterinary themes.

Veterinary researchers, postdocs and PhD students from UoL already involved with this event will develop ideas for stations with the students and mentor them. Vet students will assist with the activities on the day of the event and can have an input into the type of activities planned.

For example we have run a comparative anatomy stand including live dogs and bones to enable the public to understand how our bodies and animals are similar and different.

The UoL runs five of these ‘Meet the Scientist Events’ per academic year and so there is scope for students being involved in a number of events. Stands developed could be used or adapted at subsequent events. We will encourage medical and dental students to also become involved.


Students at liverpool show

At the Liverpool Horse Show we have a stand to enable interaction between vet students and the public. We envisage research areas to be covered to include equine obesity, laminitis, lameness, antibiotic resistance and foot balance. Read more about our INSPIRE Public Engagement Event at The Liverpool Horse Show (pdf, 371KB).

In summer 2021 we attended Windsor Horse Show.

In summer 2022 we attended Cheshire Show.

For more details on INSPIRE public engagement activities please contact Emily Clarke

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