Our team of dedicated student callers has been busy over the past seven weeks calling alumni as part of our annual Alumni and Friends Fund telephone campaign.
Telephone campaigns are a great way for the University to stay connected with our alumni all over the world, as well as updating you on recent achievements and to let you know about the special benefits and opportunities available to you as a graduate of the University. Telephone campaigns are also an essential part of our regular giving programme, which ensures that we can continue to offer current and future students an outstanding education and stay at the forefront of innovation through the support of our fundraising priorities, including the new Tung Auditorium which will add a 400 seat music performance space to the new Arts and Humanities Centre.

Our callers were overwhelmed by the warmth and kindness of our alumni.
Student caller Charlotte said: “I had an amazing conversation with an alumnus who had retired from being GP. He gave me such confidence to power through with medical school and enter a unique career which would be rewarding and fulfilling. He then wanted to increase his gift so he could do even more to help support our priority projects.”
We are delighted to announce that we raised more than £20,000 thanks to the ongoing support from alumni and supporters. We would like to thank everyone to took the time to speak to one of our student callers, we know that our students thoroughly enjoy hearing about your experiences.
If you would like to receive a call in our next telephone campaign or would like further information about the campaign please email us via: alumni@liverpool.ac.uk.