Funder: ESRC (ORA7)
Partners: TU Dortmund University (Germany), IGN/Université Gustafe Eiffel (France), IOER (Germany)
What is the impact of the polyrationalities of space, actors and policies on suburban densification? How do diverse strategies of land policy interact with landowners’ and local stakeholders’ interest and agency to shape suburban densification and their impact on suburbia across different planning systems? This European research project answers these questions across Germany, France and the UK.
For more information contact: Dr Sebastian Dembski
Funder: NERC
Partners: University of St Andrews, National Oceanographic Centre, Cranfield University
A new integrated and interdisciplinary system-based framework that will supports the transition from hard ‘grey’ defences to softer ‘green’ solutions in coastal and shoreline management. This project combines for the first time a conceptual representation of the complex coastal socio-ecological system, quantitative valuation of coastal ecosystem services under a changing climate, and the characterisation of how social perceptions and values influence both previous elements. This project considers four case studies in the UK in collaboration with national, regional, and local stakeholders.
For more information contact: Dr Richard Dunning
Black-led community-led housing
Funders: Nationwide Foundation, Tudor Trust, Community Land Trust Network
Partners: Solutions, Sheffield Hallam University
This project identifies local, regional and national impediments to the development of community-led housing by black and minority ethnic communities. It will produce a set of recommendations for sector representatives, funders and policy communities, with the aim of encouraging growth and transformation of black and minority ethnic-led community-led housing.
For more information contact: Dr Thomas Moore
Integrated Impact Assessment Support
Advice is provided to the Greater Liverpool Authority on how to conduct the Integrated Impact Assessment of the Greater Liverpool Spatial Development Framework, based on empirical evidence generated in a number of previous research projects by the Environmental Assessment and Management Centre for the Local Government Association, Public Health England, the European Investment Bank, NatureScot and others.
For more information contact: Prof Thomas Fischer
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