International Day of Woman and Girl in Science

Gender roles start establishing at early ages and this differential pattern continues to be heavily imprinted in our current society.

Science is NOT a gender question. 

An important consequence of this bias becomes evident when arriving at university or other higher education institutions. In specific degrees or professional pathways, there is a clear unbalance in the number of students according to the gender, particularly in some science and engineering careers. 

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11) we propose a relaxed meeting between students and female researchers. In the first part of the meeting, seven professionals from different branches and at different stages of their careers will present a brief snapshot of their own experience, including among other subjects their daily work or how they achieved their current position. During the second part of the event, there will be a round table in which the participants will discuss different aspects such as their personal experience in regard to gender bias in their fields or the reasons behind choosing their degree, and Q&A will be open to the audience.

The panellists of the event are all staff members of the School of Environmental Sciences of the University of Liverpool, and include: 

  • Louisa Brotherson (PhD student, Geology): Black in Geosciences Week 2020: an intersectional, global, social media movement
  • Alessia Calafiore (Postdoctoral researcher, Data Science): Women in data Science
  • Xinxin Cao (PhD student, Planning): The impact of deprivation on planning participation at communities in England and Taiwan
  • Janet Hooke (Professor, Physical Geography): Perspectives of a female Professor in Physical Geography
  • Claire Mahaffey (Professor, Oceanography): Women in Ocean Science
  • Grace Skirrow (PhD student, Physical Geography): The fieldwork experience of a woman who loves dirt.

Event details


Online event, you can join the event by Zoom (link provided upon registration)


Friday 12th February at 3 pm (GTM).

Duration: 1 hour.


This event is free and open to anyone interested. For individual registration, please contact Natalie Carpenter ( For school-directed registration, a representative of the class (teacher) should contact to the same email and the Zoom link to join the activity will be provided.

You can also send your questions in advance by emailing to, and during the event by using the Zoom chat or by Twitter using the hashtag #WomeninScienceUniLiv to @Env_Sci 

Event organised by the Department of Geography & Planning, University of Liverpool

Organisers: Natalie Carpenter, Encarni Montoya, Thomas Moore and Cait Robinson

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