A person holding a map of the world.

International research

Researchers across the School of Law and Social Justice are engaged in research around the world. 

The School of Law and Social Justice is also a significant supporter of the International Visiting Research Fellowship programme. This annual activity brings together an international cohort of scholars all working within the field of law and social justice to share their work with wider audiences.

Prison, Culture & Heritage

Prison, Culture & Heritage

Exploring and engaging with the nuanced relationships between prisons, culture, and heritage, shedding light on the stories that shape our collective understanding of justice, identity, and societal evolution.

Lives on Hold: Our Stories Told Yellow graphic with an illustration of two holding hands plus black text that reads 'Lives on Hold. Our Stories Told.'

Lives on Hold: Our Stories Told

This interdisciplinary research provides the first detailed study of the effects of the legal and welfare impacts of Covid-19 on unaccompanied asylum seekers aged 16 - 25.

DRIVE - Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action DRIVE research project partner University logos

DRIVE - Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action

Determining multi-level led causes and testing interventions designs to reduce radicalisation, extremism, and political violence in North-Western Europe through social inclusion (DRIVE).

Criminal Synergies A photo of Sean Columb interviewing an organ trafficker in a damp looking room

Criminal Synergies: People Smuggling and the Organ Trade in North Africa

The ‘Criminal Synergies’ research project explores migrant routes into and out of North Africa and its extra-legal service industry.

Ageing and End of Life Care in East Asia A sunset with flowers in the foreground.

Ageing and End of Life Care in East Asia

An ongoing initiative to explore culture, practice, and policy concerning death, dying, and bereavement in East Asian contexts - Dr Chao Fang.

ESCR Peacebuilding

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Sustaining Peace

Developing new insights into peacebuilding - Dr Amanda Cahill-Ripley.



Liverpool Law Clinic's work on assisting people who are stateless or at risk of statelessness.

Ageing in China An older woman walking with her walking stick by a river.

Ageing in China

The intersection of ageing and agency in transitional China - Professor Yu Song.

Liverpool Asylum Refugee Knowledge A flag behind barbed wire.

Liverpool Asylum Refugee Knowledge

An academic network of asylum and refugee studies at the University of Liverpool.