Detail of Liverpool Waterfront building

Sustainable and Resilient Cities

The Sustainable and Resilient Cities research theme is led by Sue Jarvis, and Professor Catherine Durose, Co-Directors of the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place.

The theme is characterised by a desire to prompt, prime, inform and catalyse sustainable and resilient urban development.

The theme adopts a broad geographic and disciplinary lens that reflects both the diverse challenges facing urban areas globally and the combination of skill-sets and specialisms that are required to produce fresh insights and effective solutions.

The Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, which leads the Sustainable Cities Theme, is an interdisciplinary research institute focusing on the development of sustainable and inclusive cities and city regions.

Emerging from Covid-19 stronger: Perspectives from the Liverpool Doctoral Community

Covid-19 is rapidly becoming an event of world historical consequence. This series of podcasts draws from the insights and expertise of PhD researchers across the University of Liverpool to identify solutions to, and opportunities arising from, this grave new challenge. Listen to the podcasts here.