Information about the Competition Markets Authority (CMA)
You may know that the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) recently issued guidance for students as to the information you can expect us to provide in order to make an informed choice about your studies.
Information published by the CMA.
The information on this page will help you to locate all the information we must provide for you before you decide whether or not to take up any offer of a place.
At application stage:
- We publish an Undergraduate Admissions Policy which sets out our general approach to admissions and the principles we apply in dealing with applications. Please view our undergraduate admissions policy documents page for this and other policy documents
- Information about the composition of the course and how it will be delivered is included in the individual course entries in our online prospectus
- Each entry in the online prospectus has a link to the relevant Key Information Set on the Unistats website, which gives you information on such matters as the percentage of your time you can expect to spend in lectures, seminars or independent study and the way in which your programme is assessed
- We publish programme specifications for all of our programmes. These are detailed documents which set out the programme aims and objectives, learning outcomes and detailed programme structure. The programme specifications include details of the fees payable and also list any additional costs that students might incur in order to successfully complete their course, such as fieldwork costs. Programme specifications are available from the owning department.
At offer stage:
- Before you accept an offer from us, you will want to have read a copy of our terms and conditions, which describe our legal relationship with you and draw your attention to various policies and procedural documents you may need to be aware of during your time at the University
- Although we very much hope you will not need to use it, we also have an Admissions Appeals and Complaints Policy and forms for you to use if you believe that we have not dealt with your application to the standard you would expect of us. Please view our undergraduate admissions policy documents page for this and other policy documents.