Streams of light shooting into space form earth

Digital research at Liverpool

Digital research at the University of Liverpool is transforming lives, industries and society through ground-breaking research solutions and innovation.

Our interdisciplinary teams of digital research experts push the boundaries of knowledge underpinning foundational discoveries, translational applications and deep insight into the social and ethical implications of digital transformation.

We are addressing some of the most pressing global issues by leveraging interdisciplinary digital expertise and capabilities to enhance health, social justice, and industrial competitiveness. Using AI to support decision-making in law, and helping local communities unlock potential solutions to social and health inequalities are just some of the ways we harness the transformative power of data and digital technologies to make profound impacts on people’s lives.

Our world-class digital labs and facilities, the Digital Innovation Facility (DIF) and the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC), provide a platform for the development and industrial application of next-generation digital technologies for industry and the public sector. Through our partnerships and networks, we inform future government policy in the area of applied digital technology to support future research for impact.

Research spotlights

Artificial intelligence in law and policy making Lady Justice in front of computer screen

Artificial intelligence in Law

Find out how the University of Liverpool is harnessing AI to bring new tools to support decision making in justice, e-democracy and policy making.

Devising a minimum digital living standard Father and daughter looking at tablet together

Acceptable digital living standard

Discover our new research into our digital lives through devising a minimum acceptable digital living standard (MDLS) for households with children across the UK.

Digital dogs Dog licking its lips

Simulating animal behaviour to support bite prevention and improve education

Find out about our immersive 3D environment to demonstrate the value of digital technologies in the identification and education around canine body language related to aggression.

A mobile robot chemist

Our scientists have developed a fully autonomous mobile robot to assist them in their research. Watch the video below to discover more and see the robot at work.

Credit: Nature video