Central University Research Ethics Committee meeting dates

Research ethics applications involving 'more than minimal risk' are reviewed at Central University Research Ethics Committee meetings.

Most University research ethics applications involve minimal risk, and are reviewed virtually through the online system for research ethics - without the need to attend a Committee meeting.

However, if your study could involve 'more than minimal risk', it may need to be reviewed at a Central University Research Ethics Committee meeting. Read the guidance on the types of studies that might involve more than minimal risk (pdf document).

Meeting dates

The upcoming Central University Research Ethics Committees meeting dates and deadlines are shown below*:

Please note: submitting your application by the deadlines shown below does not guarantee that it will be reviewed at the corresponding Committee meeting. Each Committee has a limited capacity for the number of applications which they can review. Applications are usually allocated on a first-come-first-served basis; though some applications may be occasionally prioritised owing to institutional priorities.

Most committee meetings are held on Zoom between 10am-1pm

Committee date   

Application deadline

Tuesday 06 August 2024

Friday 05 July 2024

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Friday 26 July 2024

Tuesday 03 September 2024 

Friday 02 August 2024

Tuesday 24 September 2024 

Friday 23 August 2024

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Friday 13 September 2024

Wednesday 06 November 2024 

Friday 04 October 2024

Wednesday 27 November 2024 

Friday 25 October 2024

Thursday 12 December 2024 

Friday 08 November 2024

Thursday 09 January 2025  

Friday 06 December 2024

Thursday 30 January 2025 

Monday 16 December 2024

Thursday 20 February 2025  

Friday 17 January 2025

Tuesday 11 March 2025 

Friday 07 February 2025

Tuesday 01 April 2025 

Friday 28 February 2025

Wednesday 23 April 2025 

Friday 21 March 2025

Wednesday 14 May 2025  

Friday 11 April 2025

Wednesday 04 June 2025 

Friday 02 May 2025

Thursday 26 June 2025  

Friday 23 May 2025

Thursday 17 July 2025 

Friday 13 June 2025

Thursday 7 August 2025  

Friday 04 July 2025

Thursday 28 August 2025 

Friday 25 July 2025


Once your application has been allocated to a Central University Research Ethics Committee meeting, the Research Ethics and Integrity team will be in touch with you to confirm your attendance and other meeting arrangements. Please see the following guide on what is involved in a central level committee review.

If none of the Senior Investigators or Supervisors involved in the study can attend the meeting, the Committee will ask that the application is deferred to a later meeting when a Senior Investigator can attend.

*Biomedical or invasive research involving more than minimal risk

Central University Research Committee D usually reviews applications involving biomedical or invasive research, and does not have set meeting dates. Instead, the Committee usually reviews applications through the onleine research ehtics system without the need for a meeting and meets ad-hoc when required.

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