Essay-Writing: Tips & Hints for Success

Posted on: 28 February 2022 by Kirsten Ward in Blog

An image of a student sat at a desk with a notepad and an open laptop, writing an essay
A student sits at a desk with a notepad and an open laptop writing an essay

At several points during your degree, you may be asked to write an essay. In some modules, essays form a key component of your summative assessment. To celebrate National Essay Day on 28th February, we have collated a set of hints & tips, designed to help you succeed in achieving a higher mark in your essay-based assessments.

So, what makes a great essay? Great essays are not just discursive but also analytical. Done well, essays not only communicate your understanding of a topic to the examiner, but can be learning processes in themselves, encouraging you to organise relevant material and think in new and creative ways. To impress an examiner, essays must be appropriately referenced and carefully framed, using academic language, and be free from typographical errors. For these reasons, you are strongly encouraged to start your essays early, leaving enough time for thorough proofreading with fresh eyes.

At a base level, your essay is a reasoned answer, supported by evidence, to the question set. The evidence for your argument comes from your wider reading. The way you select and interpret this evidence and explain how this helps you to answer the question, demonstrates your own thinking to the examiner. Producing a well-organised and evidence-based critical discussion, that directly answers the question set, is not an easy task. You will find that your essay writing improves with practice as you progress throughout your degree. However, developing good habits from the outset can go a long way in helping you to achieve success in your essay-based assessments.

Reading with Purpose

When you first receive the essay question, it is important to avoid rushing into the writing process. Although you may wish to show off the breadth of your knowledge to the examiner, writing down everything that you know about a topic, without a clear plan or structure, is likely to reduce the strength of your argument. Aim to make your examiners life as easy as possible, by grouping ideas together, and considering your overarching narrative, before putting pen to paper.

The first key tip is to ensure you answer the question. As with writing, do not rush into research. Instead, dedicate some time to understanding exactly what the question is asking. Consider the question within its context: what wider debates and issues may it be touching on from your lectures and seminars? Is there a specific viewpoint, or angle, that the question takes, or wishes you to explore? Is the question part of a wider discussion, perhaps one that is ongoing within the academic literature? Your lecturer may encourage you to narrow the question down, particularly if there is a tight word-limit. If you choose to focus on a particular area, ensure that you explain your choice to the examiner. Show them that you understand that, whilst there may be wider issues at play, you have chosen to conduct a deeper analysis within a certain area, given the constraints of the word limit. Likewise, if the question retains a narrow focus, ensure that you stay within the defined limits, and try not to entertain tangential debates.

Re-reading the question and underlining key words can help in clarifying what your answer should cover. Look out for any subject-specific terms that are used, and check that you fully understand them. You may also wish to highlight the type of analysis that the question is asking you to undertake. For example, are you being asked to compare and contrast or to critically analyse, possibly by reference to key cases or academic papers? If in doubt, break the question down. Ask, why is this topic important? Set yourself an orderly plan for research. What do you need to find out first? Breaking the question down into bitesize research tasks can prove useful when you come to plan your essay. You will then already have done a lot of the work in determining what each aspect of your argument adds to the assessment.

Once you have considered what the question is asking, you may wish to note down your initial thoughts, including: (a) what you already know about the topic (b) any aspects that you may need to research further and (c) your preliminary conclusion. This begins the process of formulating your argument and is likely to help you in prioritising your reading. Once you have completed your research, you may wish to repeat this process. By bringing together key ideas from your wider reading, you can clarify: (a) what you have found out and (b) whether your initial conclusions have changed. Remember when conducting your research, make sure you jot down a brief citation for each academic source. This will prove useful when collating your bibliography prior to submission.

Developing as a Researcher

Good essays are underpinned by sound critical analysis. Your aim when conducting preparatory research is to analyse material and evaluate the contribution it makes to your argument. Although critical analysis may seem, at first sight, a high-level skill, we make reasoned decisions every day. Critical analysis involves two main tasks: (a) weighing up the evidence supporting a certain idea to determine whether it is convincing, and (b) explaining why the evidence is, or is not, convincing. You may find it useful to approach your wider reading with a list of questions to trigger a critical approach, including (i) what is the author’s viewpoint and could it be biased? (ii) could the intended audience have influenced the way that the information is presented? (iii) what is the author’s main argument and what evidence is used in support? (iv) is the argument convincing and what are the challenges that could be waged against the conclusions made? Critical analysis does not necessarily mean disagreeing with an argument. It is equally important to be able to explain why you agree with a certain line of reasoning.

Post-it notes on a wall to symbolise planning

Post-it notes on a wall show one method of essay planning.

Planning with Intent

Writing with a plan often increases the overall coherence and structure of an essay. Because you know your end point and have undertaken the complex reasoning needed to bring logic to your argument, a plan allows you to focus on effectively communicating your ideas to the examiner. It also avoids the common pitfall of changing your line of reasoning halfway through writing your argument. Becoming comfortable with leaving aspects out of your essay is a skill. Remember, your word count means that it is impossible to cover everything. Your examiner is instead assessing your ability to harness and bring order to a tailored set of evidence.

Each of us adopts our own style of planning. Most commonly, you may wish to brainstorm your ideas, and arrange them into three or four groups, reflecting the key sections within your essay. Remember, not all ideas will fit neatly into this structure, so be prepared to discard them if necessary. Many writers find it helpful to store less relevant ideas within a separate Word document. Likewise, some students prefer visual plans, such as spider diagrams or mind maps, with key ideas springing out from a central question. Ideas can then be numbered, or colour coded, to structure the creative brainstorm. Others prefer a linear style, such as bullet pointing. Once you have your plan, a quick overview can often indicate whether you have too much, or too little, information. As always, be prepared for your exact line, or structure, of your argument to change as you write. You may notice new connections and patterns within, or between, your ideas. However, a plan is easily adaptable. Having an initial overarching structure will ensure that you can quickly see where any new thoughts or arguments fit into your essay.

The main purpose of planning is to set out what you will focus on in each section. This will include an introduction, where you will address: (a) what the question is asking (b) why this is interesting for your examiner and (c) how you plan to answer it. If you are struggling to get started, write down each question you are seeking to answer in turn, and take one at a time. Some students prefer to write a summary before they begin, setting out the central thesis of their essay within one or two sentences, to ensure they have a strong, overarching direction. Others prefer to write their introduction last, once they have a clear idea of their argument within the essay. You may choose to begin with the paragraph you feel most confident about and build momentum from there. Your outline should also address the main body of your essay, focusing on how each paragraph will build your argument. You may wish to try out different sequences for your groups of ideas, to determine which structure is the most persuasive. Remember that your key aim is to answer the question set. One useful tip is to focus each paragraph on one argument only. You may wish to break your plan down into more detailed sub-sections, noting the evidence from your wider reading which supports each point. Finally, your plan should bring your ideas together into a conclusion, where you summarise your arguments and show how you have addressed the question set.

Writing for Success

With a structured plan, you should have a good idea of what role each paragraph plays within your overall argument. This should help you to gauge what evidence you need to include within each section and how your essay fits together as a whole. Remember, introductions and conclusions serve key purposes within your assessment: they can make a good first and last impression. Both are core structural devices to guide the examiner through your argument. Introductions should also set out the conceptual and theoretical framework underpinning your essay. Ask yourself what the examiner needs to know, to be able to follow your argument, and how best you can draw them in from the outset. Likewise, consider what message you wish to leave the examiner with, and whether your main argument comes through clearly in your conclusion.

Remember, your introduction is the gateway into your essay. It is a map that guides the examiner, identifying the main route, and positioning your argument within the wider academic landscape. The main body of your essay should then develop the ideas that you have outlined in your introduction. The key to a successful essay is to integrate your own arguments with evidence from your wider reading. Generally, it is better to discuss fewer points, in more depth. The strongest approaches also tend to adopt a thematic analysis, integrating the arguments which can be advanced on both sides of a debate, as opposed to addressing one after the other. Remember that your essay should be analytical as opposed to descriptive. Try to only include background details where they add directly to your argument. It can prove a useful exercise once you have a first draft, to highlight areas of description in one colour and areas of analysis and evaluation in another. This will allow you to check that you have an appropriate balance.

Whilst everyone has their own style of writing, each paragraph should adopt a strong structure. Beginning with a topic sentence, the paragraph should signal to the examiner what it adds to the essay. The introductory sentence should then be supported by evidence and critical analysis. You should seek to interpret the evidence, explaining how, and why, your wider reading supports your main line of argument. Avoid simply letting the evidence ‘speak for itself’ or relying on sweeping generalisations. Instead, use case studies and specific examples. Counterarguments though, can be turned to your advantage. The strongest essays do not ignore opposing viewpoints, but rather address them head-on.

Each paragraph should then finish with a mini conclusion, linking the paragraph back to the question set. Remember that each idea should be supported by a fully cited reference from your wider reading. You should also pay close attention to the advice given by your lecturer, who may share their own style preferences, including the use of subheadings, first person and indentation. Always keep the question in front of you during the writing process. Be ruthless in discarding irrelevant material: a lack of succinctness may cost you marks. Finally, signpost your reader by using appropriate connecting phrases, guiding them through the overarching narrative of your answer.

Your conclusion should capture the journey your examiner has undertaken in reading your essay. It should allow for reflection on the main issues discussed, and directly relate back to the question set, showing how you have reached your answer. If the question asks you to make a judgment call, then you should clearly outline your reasoning. Whilst a nuanced conclusion may be appropriate, you should try to avoid ‘sitting on the fence’ or combining several sides of an argument into a muddled conclusion. Importantly, you should not introduce new material into a conclusion. Instead, focus on ‘closing the circle’ of your discussion by answering the questions raised in your introduction. You may wish to comment speculatively regarding future developments, although some writers prefer to include these discussions as part of their analysis. Similarly, although it may be appropriate to comment on the limitations of your analysis, you should avoid ending your argument on a negative or a rhetorical question. Ultimately, your conclusion should leave the examiner with a clear and positive view of your main argument.

Developing as a Writer

Writing is not an easy task. If at any stage, you become stuck, it may be useful to revisit your main ideas. Try writing one or two sentences, explaining what you are trying to get across to the examiner, without worrying about the exact phrasing. It may also help to explain the idea out loud. A trusted friend or family member can highlight any aspects which need further exploration. Do though, pay careful attention to academic integrity guidelines. After submitting a few essays, you will begin to understand what type of writer you are. You can then adapt your planning and writing habits to suit your needs. For example, if you are a slow writer, perhaps because you seek perfection in each sentence as you write, you may wish to explore writing a rough draft and beginning the editing process from there. In any event, redrafting is unavoidable, and time spent on editing and proofreading can make a real difference to your final mark.

Essays should be written in a formal academic style, avoiding the use of cliches, contractions and subjective descriptions. Common pitfalls include overreliance on ‘academic-sounding’ words and the use of overly long sentences. Both inhibit clear and accurate communication. Ideally, leave a day between finishing your essay and proofreading to gain some distance from your work. Try reading your essay aloud or using the ‘read aloud’ function on Word. This will ensure you focus on each word, highlighting sentences that are too long or dense. Check too, that your argument flows and makes sense as a cohesive whole. Do not be afraid to restructure, even at this late stage, or to cut information that is not directly relevant to the question. Remember, the examiner is looking for a focused argument. Put yourself in their shoes. Can you follow the argument clearly? Are there gaps in the reasoning? Is the argument signposted? You also need to check your references and bibliography, adopting a consistent formatting style throughout. Finally, pay close attention to any feedback you have received on previous essays. Do not be afraid to approach your lecturer or academic adviser with any questions you may have. Good luck!