Research Community

The CDT is part of the Signal Processing Research Group led by Simon Maskell, Professor of Autonomous Systems.

The CDT PhD students and partners benefit from access to a wider community of experts from the Signal Processing Research Group. Both groups are led by Professor Simon Maskell who, with the help of his academic colleagues has secured a multi million pound research portfolio on topics such as:

  • Big Data and Autonomous Systems
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Tracking and Data Fusion
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Image Processing
  • Guidance and Navigation

The 50+ member community is made up of creative and friendly individuals with a variety of skills, knowledge and expertise to generate novel, useful research outcomes which make an economic and social difference.

Current grants include EPSRC Big Hypotheses: A fully parallelised bayesian inference solution and various other partnerships, collaborations and consultancy work with industry, government and academia.

For more information about our work, view the Signal Processing Research Group website and Simon Maskell's Homepage.

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