Distributed Algorithms CDT Showcase December 2022


The CDT community combines strength, breadth and depth. Everyone in the team has a voice and the group is greater than the sum of its parts. Together, all members of the team work to invigorate one another and achieve the overarching aims and objectives of the CDT.

 All of our members contribute to the creation of the unique experience of being a part of the CDT community.

  • Leadership team - The CDT is overseen and supported by a world-class Leadership Team which is in turn advised by a Strategic Advisory Board
  • Stakeholder representatives - The Leadership Team includes representatives of all stakeholder groups, with the aim of ensuring that all involved have an inclusive experience
  • Students - Meet our students and find out about their research
  • Academic supervisors – Find out about academic colleagues who are supervising our students
  • Project partners - Discover our project partners who are supporting each PhD project


Simon Maskell, CDT Director says...

We will make a massive difference and influence on the UK economy, well-being and the world, and I’m passionate about the massive difference the students will make.

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