What you'll receive from our facility
- Facility staff have expertise in a wide range of histological techniques and are always interested in working with groups to adapt and develop new techniques
- The team have extensive experience working with both routine tissues and more challenging samples such as bones, teeth and biomaterials. We can successfully process tissues from a wide range of organisms: from bees to humans and even dinosaurs
- A comprehensive range of specialist stains are available and we are happy to discuss novel staining techniques
- We are keen to provide support from planning and grant costing through to the finished result.
The equipment we offer includes:
- 3 x Leica ASP300S tissue processors
- 3 embedding stations containing a reservoir of molten wax ready to embed tissues. We have three different waxes for specific requirements
- The facility has a selection of Leica and Epredia microtomes for tissue sectioning, both automated and fully manual for sectioning of paraffin wax and methacrylate embedded samples
- 6 cryostats
- Leica VT1000S vibratome
- Leica sledge freeze
- Reichert Jung Polycut
- Zeiss axioscan Z1.
Who can use our facilities
- University of Liverpool academic staff or students
- Researchers from other universities
- Industrial research partners.
What the Histology Facility can be used for
Our specialist technical staff can prepare your samples from fresh or fixed tissue through to scanned images that we can then transfer to you for analysis of your research.
We can train staff and students to prepare and use our equipment to embed, section and hand stain your tissues as required. We currently offer three different types of wax for embedding and sectioning as required.
We are fully equipped for methyl methacrylate and glycol methacrylate embedding and sectioning (including larger samples), freeze microtomy and high throughput slide imaging using our Zeiss Axioscan Z1.