About us

Led by the University of Liverpool, we are a group of world-leading institutions and experts aiming to unravel the mysteries of human ageing and, in doing so, develop groundbreaking interventions to promote and sustain healthy ageing.

Who we are

EuroAgeNet is a partnership between five members of the UK Ageing Network (ECMage, BLAST, CFIN, AGENTS, and Food4Years) and institutions across Europe. This collaborative effort has been made possible through a Global Partnering Award funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Securing Better Health, Ageing and Wellbeing strategic theme.

Our mission

Population ageing is a global challenge with significant implications for healthcare, society, and economics. Our mission is to foster international activities that enhance existing collaborations and support the creation of new ones with researchers from around the world, focusing on any aspect relevant to ageing research. Our primary emphasis is on the unique challenges of healthy ageing, especially in the last decade of life.

Our approach

We are committed to building capacity in the field of ageing research. We aim to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange among scientists from various backgrounds, promote the growth of research communities, and expand scientific understanding. By encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to exploring how people age, we aim to develop pharmaceutical, behavioural, lifestyle, and clinical interventions that promote healthy ageing and extend lifespans.

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