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The Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Science Networking Lunch

Posted on: 22 August 2019 by Nick Jones in 2018 Posts

Digital Humanities Networking Lunch Blog Header
Get involved with the Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences.

The Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences team are holding a networking lunch on Monday 4th November 12-3pm in the School of the Arts Library, 19 Abercromby Square.

The Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences team are holding a networking lunch on Monday 4th November 12-3pm in the School of the Arts Library, 19 Abercromby Square.

The University of Liverpool’s Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DigHumSS) brings together multidisciplinary researchers from across the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences to explore not just the development and deployment of digital technologies and tools, but also their uses, applications, and social impacts.

We currently have the following interlinked areas within the theme: 

  • Heritage and Digital Technologies (Dr Nick Webb)
  • AI/ Digital (Dr Philip Brooker)
  • Big Data and Digital Inclusion (Dr Elena Musi and Dr Elinor Carmi)
  • Critical Digital Culture/s (Dr Andrew Kirton)
  • Machine Learning and Engineering (Dr Peter Green)
  • Digital Health and Critical Medical Humanities; Science, Technology and Society (tbc)

The purpose of this networking event is to encourage researchers who feel their areas of interest could be applied to Digital Humanities and Social Sciences and meet potential collaborators from across the University. An interdisciplinary field, the opportunities within and across Faculties are considerable and will encourage impactful projects with external partners including the cultural and third sector provider, (e.g. libraries, museums and galleries), technical services and wider industry partners. 

Expressions of interest

The event will be informal, so if your research crosses over any area of ‘digital’ or you are keen to get involved with the discipline, you are welcome to attend. If you wish to attend please RSVP to by Thursday 31 October 2019.

Please could all participants also send one PowerPoint slide which includes a picture of yourself and outlines how your work does, or has the potential to, tie to the DigHumSS theme. These will be pre-circulated as well as running automatically at the event, so we all know who to look out for on the day.