Research centres
Our research centres combine disciplines to deliver impact-focused research.

Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Future
The Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Futures is an interdisciplinary research centre based in the University of Liverpool, bringing together researchers from various disciplines but focused primarily on English, Philosophy, and Special Collections & Archives.

Literature and Science Hub
The Literature and Science Hub is a centre for research, teaching and public debate about the relationships between those two traditionally opposed spheres of knowledge, the arts and the sciences.

Centre for New and International Writing
The Centre for New and International Writing is the University of Liverpool's focal point for the study of contemporary and international literatures, for creative writing, and new writing in its many manifestations.

Architecture and Cultural Heritage of India, Arabia and the Maghreb
Cutting across traditional disciplinary boundaries, ArCHIAM provides an exciting opportunity for the study of both historical and contemporary phenomena with the aim to develop theoretical positions but also practice-based research.

Centre for Architecture & Visual Arts
CAVA is a practice-based and multi-disciplinary research centre that is situated in the School of Architecture, University of Liverpool.

Acoustics Research Unit
The ARU focuses on airborne sound and structure-borne sound in the fields of engineering acoustics, building acoustics, room acoustics, audio acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech intelligibility, privacy and security, human vibration (including vibrotactile stimuli), environmental noise and industrial acoustics (sonic cleaning).

Institute of Popular Music
Founded in 1988 as the world’s first specialist centre for the study of popular music, the IPM provides a hub for interdisciplinary research on popular music, broadly defined.

Interdisciplinary Centre for Composition and Technology
ICCaT investigates how music composition and sonic artforms intersect with new technology, performance and perception.

Centre for Culture and Everyday Life
The Centre for Culture and Everyday Life (CCEL) is a hub of critical, creative and theoretically engaged research that works to build partnerships between academics, practitioners in the arts, cultural institutions, policy-makers and communities.

DigiPol: The Centre for Digital Politics, Media and Democracy
The Centre for Digital Politics, Media and Democracy (DigiPol) is an interdisciplinary centre that champions challenge-led collaborative and interdisciplinary research to address some of the most pressing research questions around digital media and democracy.

Language, Data and Society (LANDS)
The Language, Data and Society Research Centre is a unique, interdisciplinary centre of research expertise in language, corpus and computational linguistics, multimodal semiotics, (critical) discourse analysis and strategic communication.

Architecture, Heritage, Urbanism in West Africa (AHUWA)
AHUWA partners with institutions, collections, scholars, and communities across Africa and beyond to investigate the most pressing questions about cities, design, history, heritage, and urbanism.

Digital Media & Society Institute
Understanding the role of digital media in society and its impact on individuals, communities, nations and the world.

Centre for Converged Screen Media and Entertainment (COSME)
COSME is an interdisciplinary centre that examines the often-radical ways in which media convergence has impacted on screen entertainment.