We are inviting people to take part in this research study by post if they have been previously approached by the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check for Cheshire and Merseyside.
To allow us to contact participants by post, names and addresses for 1000 people will be shared with the University of Liverpool; this was allowed due to ‘section 251 support’ from Health Research Authority on advice from the Confidentiality Advisory Group. You can opt out of this if you do not want to be contacted.
For any enquiries relating to participation in P4-LHC or to opt out, please contact us.
Telephone: +44 (0)151 600 1876
Email: Research.LHCH@lhch.nhs.uk
Participant information
When invited to take part in the P4-LHC study, you will be provided with a patient information sheet specific to your Targeted Lung Health Check participation status at the time of P4-LHC recruitment.
Participant information if you had previously participated in the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check
Participant information if you had not previously participated in the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check
In order for you to understand what data we hold about you (to invite you, or if you agree to participate), please see our privacy notice.
Our contact details, for those who have returned consent forms and urine samples are biobanking@liverpool.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0)151 795 7630.
You can also write to us at:
P4-LHC c/o Liverpool University Biobank Manager
William Henry Duncan Building (3rd Floor Cancer Medicine)
6 West Derby Street
Liverpool, L7 8TX
United Kingdom
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