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A Museum for Me

This project takes research findings from the AHRC-funded research project Memory, Victims, and Representations of the Colombian Conflict and translates them into research impacts. It is an international, interndisciplinary, collaborative, research project which works with the concept of the museum as a memory prop to engage community groups, to discuss issues such as human rights, and difficult and traumatic memories, in museum spaces and beyond.  

Interested in participating?

The team is always happy to discuss collaborations with different community groups, museums, galleries and schools. 

Want to download our kits?

You can download our A Museum For Me kits as a PDF and access free copies of printed kits.

Contact the project PI for more details: Claire Taylor

Recent and Ongoing Activities

The project has run workshops in over 50 museums, galleries, schools and community groups across Colombia, the UK and beyond. 

A workshop was held in Liverpool on 4 March as part of the Connections to Slavery and Methods of Representation event run by the Centre for the Study of International Slavery, involving students from two local schools, St Finbars and Holy Family.

The community group Mujer Diáspora will be running A Museum For Me workshop in London in May 2024.

Corporación Zoscua will be running a series of activities with communities in Paez and Miraflores in Colombia in May 2025, and will use the A Museum For Me activities to reflect on local culture, personal history, and the importance of community memory.

Lux Non Occidat, which houses the Museum and Historical Archive of the Universidad Externado de Colombia in Bogotá, is currently reworking their museum spaces and will use our materials to explore cultural and historical heritage through participatory activities. Via our materials and methodologies, they aim to increase their links with the local neighbourhood, Barrio Egipto, one of the oldest in Bogotá.