Garden Tip: Winter plant pots and containers

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The following months can be very dull in the garden, with short days and cold dark nights. The summer flowers have died, the perennials are going to sleep and the trees and shrubs are losing their leaves. However you can still inject a little bit of colour, even on the gloomiest of days.

Hangings baskets, pots and containers are not only for summer. There are many types of beautiful winter bedding and evergreen basket and container plants that can be used to create stunning displays. Create a welcome by the front door, with either a planted pot or winter basket.  Add a group of pots by the patio doors or outside the kitchen window. 

Pansies, violas, primulas, polyanthus and cyclamen will, with a little dead heading, reward you with flowers right through to next spring. Evergreen plants such a dwarf conifers, Ivy, Lamium, Veronica and Thymes will add contrast and texture to your scheme and can be taken out of the container and added to the garden next year. 

Whether you make it yourself or have us do it for you there is something to suit every pocket.