Researching, Teaching, Learning

An important aspect of MVR’s work is disseminating knowledge and sharing creative, ethical practices for co-creation with victims.

Prof. Claire Taylor (standing) of the University of Liverpool and Dr. Celina Trimiño Velásquez (seated) of the UPTC University in Colombia lead collaborations between the two universities. 

MVR works closely with the UPTC and the Centre for the Study of Feminism, Genders, and Human Rights (GIEPEG), led by MVR co-investigator Dr. Celina Trimiño Velásquez, to cooperate in research, teaching and learning, and to deliver community impacts in Colombia.  This cooperation includes: commissioning doctoral research and co-supervising UPTC doctoral students on themes of memory and representation; welcoming PhD candidates as University of Liverpool Visiting Scholars*; co-supervising students of the MA in Human Rights**, with specific training by MVR Local Impact Coordinator Patricia Barrera on traumatic memory*, psycho-social and ethical principles for working with women victims of violence; and support for a BRAND new initiative, the UPTC Diploma in Human Rights, Gender, Memory, and Peacebuilding in Colombia.

As well as in-person teaching at the UPTC, @MVRColombia supports online learning, delivering open-access seminars such as this, on Gender, Memory and Peacebuilding.

MVR also cooperates with Universidad Nacional a Distancia (UNAD), whose online radio output Cibersofia  features MVR podcast #IrradiandoPaz, alongside longer one-off discussions on its YouTube channel Axioma TV, such as these on Peacebuilding.

 @MVRColombia is also a regular contributor to online broadcasts and livestream events organised by a range of institutions to reach student audiences and the wider public

 Axioma TV – UNAD (Universidad Nacional a Distancia)


UPTC Diploma in Human Rights, Gender, Memory, and Peacebuilding in Colombia

UPTC Diploma in Human Rights, Gender, Memory, and Peacebuilding in Colombia

Prof Celina Trimiño leads a teaching session at the main campus of the UPTC in Tunja.

Intersdicplinary in nature and gendered in perspective, the Diploma reflects and responds to the real-world context of learners through its objectives, methods, and content

The Diploma in Human Rights, Gender, Memory, and Peacebuilding in Colombia is targeted at women who identify as victims of the conflict, but is open to everybody, especially non-traditional learners, and offered free of charge, thanks to the voluntary input of Course Director, Dr. Celina Trimino, tutors and workshop leaders from the MVR research team and NGO counterparts, especially Corporacion Zoscua in Boyacá, and Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres. Theory, practice, and experiential expertise come together through knowledge-sharing and acts of co-creation on the rights and representation of victims.



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