Welcome from Professor Peter Shirlow, Head of the Institute
We are an interdisciplinary community of academics and students with an interest in Irish politics, history, literature, culture, society and language. You will not only learn about Ireland past and present, but be able to spent time in Ireland either on a fieldtrip or by taking a semester out at the National University of Galway.
You will also have the chance to compete for a place in the Washington Ireland Program and be invited to all our events, including a range of lectures given by leading academics, writers, politicians, peacemakers, Nobel Laureates and Presidents of Ireland.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. Our School Student Support Centre, based at 11 Abercromby Square is open from 9am - 5pm, Monday – Friday, or you can email us at hlcenq@liverpool.ac.uk.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Institute in person.

Doing a combined degree across more than one subject area?
View all department welcome pages across Histories, Languages, and Cultures