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Professor Elaine Chalus discusses women and elections in the age of revolution

Posted on: 6 May 2020 in 2020 posts

Screenshot of the University of Kent's Age of Revolution website

Professor Elaine Chalus, Head of the Department of History at the University of Liverpool, was recently recorded discussing women and elections with Megan King from the University of Kent’s Age of Revolutions research project.

During the wide-ranging discussion, Professor Chalus touched upon the role of female activists in the United Kingdom during the period between 1775 and 1848 and the public perception of the evolving role of women in the political sphere. 

Professor Chalus said:

The reactions that women get in politics in the eighteenth century are in some ways quite similar to the kinds of reactions that women get in politics today. If we think of the kinds of attacks for instance that someone like Hiliary Clinton got during the previous election, that could in many ways be taken right back, so the idea of women being acceptable if they played to an acceptable role, but if they overstep the boundary […] then they are attacked.

Listen to the full discussion on the University of Kent’s The Age of Revolution site.

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