Course details
- Full-time: 12 months
- Part-time: 36 months
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With an increasingly mobile population across the world, healthcare professionals, more than ever, need to manage a broader range of health care problems. This course has been designed to address these challenges and will provide you with a greater understanding of the complexities of socio-cultural factors across different countries, enabling you to develop your skills in complex decision making and ethical reasoning.
This MSc Programme will provide the opportunity to explore and understand ethical challenges of healthcare delivery in a global context.
Its unique design focuses on bioethical issues as they appear in practice and goes beyond it by exploring how different cultures and healthcare systems tackle these problems. At the same time, the programme provides a greater understanding of socio-cultural and economic aspects of healthcare at a global level.
‘Global Healthcare Ethics’ has a very personalised/flexible design with a core of applied clinical ethics and additional options. In order to accommodate different professional and personal needs, the programme has a flexible blended learning structure that gives students the opportunity to engage with ethicists and health professionals and to share their experiences and ethical dilemmas.
This programme is unique in that it will apply ethical principles to everyday practice and will explore the moral problems encountered by health care professionals across a range of clinical scenarios, e.g.: reproductive technology, genetics, mental health, children in research, health records and ethics of patient’s data, and end of life care. Another unique point is its delivery in an international environment where students from across the world share their experiences and best practice.
Students will refer to examples connected with clinical practice (from their area of work both in the UK and overseas): ethical dilemmas in connection with patient expectations, difficult clinical decisions, the ethics of new biomedical technology, communication technology and e-health etc.
This programme will be taught by a wide range of clinicians and research experts across health and key clinical research programmes within the University of Liverpool and the wider hospital communities.
This MSc Programme is designed primarily for healthcare and allied healthcare professionals but welcomes intercalating medical and dentistry students and other home and international students with interests in global healthcare issues, including those from relevant humanities subjects.
Discover what you'll learn, what you'll study, and how you'll be taught and assessed.
Designed as a flexible programme, with a core of Applied Clinical ethics, you will also be able to choose from a range of other options. And the research methods module(s) will allow you to understand how ethics is embedded into research design and practice.
This module will provide students with the opportunity to explore and understand ethical problems and theories, to enhance their ethical reasoning skills and to develop a series of research skills and professional behaviours in the fields of clinical ethics and in ethical decision-making processes.
This module is designed to help students to comprehend different perspectives: the ethical decisions for healthcare staff; patients’ perspectives on ‘ethical care’ and patients’ moral commitments to their immediate environments (families, other chains of care); institutional levels of care and the ethics of resource allocation; duty of care towards the research subjects; as well as ethical suggestions and contributions towards improving present health care practices.
There are two linked assessments: a 15 min. presentation 30%. (about a relevant regulation/policy/law and the underpinning ethical principles) and a case study report (a case from a national or international healthcare practice, critically reviewed from an ethical perspective) (3000 words).
Liverpool’s School of Medicine is ideally located for access to some of the UK’s leading specialist clinical units. Students will have the advantage of being taught by ethicists together with clinical experts in hospitals such as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, The Palliative Care Institute Liverpool, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, and The Walton Centre, the UK’s only specialist hospital trust dedicated to neurological services. Students also benefit from the expertise within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences research institutes teaching and research links with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and surrounding medical institutions.
This module is designed primarily for healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, health care managers, medical students, medical and pharmaceutical researchers, radiographers, health care educators, chaplains, medical volunteers, hospice personnel and social workers) but it is also accessible for students with interest in medical ethics.
This module is designed for healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, health care managers, medical students, medical and pharmaceutical researchers, radiographers, health care educators, chaplains, medical volunteers, hospice personnel and social workers), but students with interest in bioethics, medical sociology and medical anthropology are also encouraged to apply.
Students have the opportunity to explore topics like: International Medical Migration, Ethics and Pandemics, Principles of Global Justice in Healthcare, Pharmaceutical Cultures, International Professionalism, Medical Values across the World. The module will be taught by mixed teams of clinicians, ethicists, and global health experts. Students with experience in international placements are invited to share their experiences and thoughts.
In comparison to the other modules this module allows students to apply ethical theories to wider, global healthcare scenarios and to analyse in greater depth challenges of practicing medicine in a different culture. Current topics of critical debate will be presented by experts, who are working at the heart of these ethical challenges within the healthcare system.
The summative assessments for this module consist of two components 1. Presentation (30%, topic of choice); 2. Essay, (70%, Case study report, 3000 words).
Liverpool’s School of Medicine is ideally located for access to some of the UK’s leading specialist clinical units. Students will have the advantage of being taught by ethicists together with clinical experts in hospitals such as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, The Palliative Care Institute Liverpool, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, and The Walton Centre, the UK’s only specialist hospital trust dedicated to neurological services.
Students also benefit from the expertise within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences research institutes teaching and research links with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and surrounding medical institutions.
The module will introduce students to social science and sociological theories and concepts. Students will explore the application of these theories and approaches to public health, and in so doing they will develop their in-depth critical understanding of health and illness. The sessions will be led by active health researchers who will discuss how they have employed theoretical thinking in their own health-related research. Students will have the chance to explore a public health problem of their choice and apply different sociological theories to the problem in order to develop their understanding of the issue.
Lectures will be delivered via 12 weekly seminar sessions which will involve a lecture element, in-class discussions and in-class group work. Students are expected to do self-directed learning (SDL) and will be expected to prepare for the contact sessions in advance using materials and readings which will be placed on the VLE one week before each session. Students will need to do the reading and any activities prior to the session and the sessions will then be used to consolidate this learning.
For the assessment of this module students need to carry out a critical analysis of a public health problem from the perspective of a social science theory or concept of their choice.
Social policy, health economics, and the organisation and management of health and health care programmes are among the core competencies identified by the UK Faculty of Public Health. The module has been designed to provide students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of these. Health policy defines what ‘we’ want a health system to do. We will reflect on how policy is made, implemented and reviewed, looking at how public health advocates can seek an impact on policymaking. We also look at the governance (organisation and management) of health systems, paying particular attention to how these are defined, organised and funded. Attention is also given to how the performance of health systems is measured and assessed. This includes international comparisons and consideration of public, private and mixed economy models. We consider the measurement of effectiveness, and how to allocate resources, linking this to the health economics component, in which we introduce students to its key concepts, and particularly its application to public health. We will cover the evaluation of programmes and interventions, and ways to think about cost effectiveness (‘value for money’). The aim is to allow students to understand what health economics does, and to think critically about how it can be useful to public health, as well as its possible pitfalls. By studying these three components the module looks at how health (and social care) services are planned, managed, and held to account, and how change and service improvements are implemented and led, both nationally and within local organisations.
The module will be delivered through lecture delivery, problem-based learning, small group learning, and self-directed learning, while assessment will consist of two assignments; a group exercise producing a presentation examining evidence from other countries about possible solutions to a public health challenge, and an individual assignment in which a policy brief is produced. The module will also provide an opportunity for students to transfer their learning from other modules such as ‘Health Improvement’ and it is expected that students will complete self-directed learning via the assigned pre-reading before each teaching session. This reading will be available via the virtual learning environment (VLE) in advance of the module and the VLE will also be used to provide general module information (e.g. module guide and learning outcomes), communicate with students regarding module-specific issues, and provide the platform to submit their two summative assignments.
This module is aimed at giving students the opportunity to observe in a clinical or social practice setting and to apply the ethical theoretical principles learned during the core modules of the Global Healthcare Ethics programme.
It is designed to enable students to use, and to extend knowledge and skills that they have acquired during their programme of study, and to explore an area of interest within clinical practice in greater depth, by seeing ‘ethics in action’.
Using critical thinking, reflection, ethical arguments for clinical decision-making, students will work on a specific clinical issue (ethical dilemma, regulation, new ethically uncharted territory, global healthcare issues etc.) and undertake a self-managed process of systematic ethical inquiry.
Examples of observership/placement settings in the UK include; healthcare organisations, health charities, primary care etc. The module prepares students to undertake a work-based project which is an integrative activity of the MSc Global Healthcare Ethics programme. This must be agreed in advance with the University of Liverpool. Students who wish to undertake a project within their own setting either in the UK or overseas country will be given the option of identifying a negotiated workplace learning opportunity in their own context.
The module will be assessed by a 15-minute recorded presentation (50%) (to choose from: poster, PowerPoint), and a reflective essay (1500 words) based on their clinical experience (50%).
This module is designed for healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, health care managers, medical students, medical and pharmaceutical researchers, radiographers, health care educators, chaplains, medical volunteers, hospice personnel and social workers).
The overall goal of this module is to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding in the field of clinical ethics. It offers students an enhanced set of ethical skills and capacities that will facilitate their everyday practice and professionalism.
In order to accommodate different professional and personal needs, the programme has a flexible structure. There are three grouped full days of face-to-face teaching combining lectures and workshops encouraging to engage with ethicists and health professionals and to share their experiences and ethical dilemmas.
Weekly seminars will focus on the syllabus topics to help students consolidate knowledge and develop analytical skills.
Students will learn how critical reasoning can uncover the constitutive assumptions of clinical cases, the various perspectives of people involved, and thus lead to a better understanding of what is at stake. They will also appraise and analyse ethical decision-making in different life-stages (from reproductive choices to the end of life).
Case study workshops will be a feature of this programme both face to face (in the form of seminars) and online to allow free discussion in multi-disciplinary groups of clinical professionals.
Formative assessments will be developed online to allow students to measure their progress and to respond to feedback (e.g. online quiz).
Self-directed and case-based learning within their own professional practice will contribute to learning throughout the module.
The summative assessments for this module will combine critical appraisal (of clinical ethics cases, theories and problems) and critical reflection (on clinical examples):
The first part of the summative assessment (50%) will be a 3000 word written work consisting of a choice of 2 tasks from the following:
a) an ethical reflection on your chosen case (1500 words)
b) an annotated bibliography for your chosen topic (1500 words)
c) a reflexive diary/online blog (1500 words)
d) an ethics section designed for a grant application (1500 words)
The second part of the summative is a 3000 word case study report (coursework 50%). This is part of ‘authentic assessment’, mirroring a real-life report exercise.
Liverpool’s School of Medicine is ideally located for access to some of the UK’s leading specialist clinical units. Students will have the advantage of being taught by ethicists together with clinical experts in hospitals such as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, The Palliative Care Institute Liverpool, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, and The Walton Centre, the UK’s only specialist hospital trust dedicated to neurological services.
Students also benefit from the expertise within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences research institutes teaching and research links with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and surrounding medical institutions.
This module will enable students to further develop and apply their understanding of research. The module will enhance students ability to appraise the design, development, process and analysis of research within health and social science, to critically apply and develop high quality research proposals in a considered and structurally sound approach commensurate with Masters / Level 7 study.
The module is aimed at those who have either completed MDSC701 (Introduction to Research Methods) or have a solid grounding in the basics of research. The module will introduce and explore use and support of Clinical Trials centres and Research Design Support services in the development of advanced study design (e.g. clinical trials, complex interventions). The module will also critique the theory and application of qualitative and quantitative study design and data analysis. The module will equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to complete a large-scale dissertation project that would be required for a Master’s award, and provide a grounding in advanced research skills, such as those required to successfully submit for research funding.
The syllabus for this module is aligned to the Liverpool Curriculum Framework Hallmarks and demonstrates active learning and authentic assessment, designed to help students gain greater confidence in advanced approaches to research, and enable students to critique and develop research in their own area of practice
The module will have a flexible approach, and will be delivered; online, on-campus, or a combination of the two across the semester. Delivery will be supported by lectures, audiovisual presentations, quizzes and case-based interactive discussion boards and tutorials.
There is two part summative assessment within this module:
1. Presentation – Study Protocol Critique: Students will present and critique an outline study protocol. (15 Minute Presentation).
2. Study Protocol: Students will develop a robust project protocol amenable for a Masters level project. (2,000 words).
The assessments can be tailored to focus on the students area of interest and area of speciality.
This module will enable students to develop and then apply their understanding of the research process. Students will develop the ability to assess and appraise the design, development, data collection and analysis of research within health and social science, and critically apply this knowledge in the to design of high quality research proposals appropriate for Masters / Level 7 study.
This 30-credit module is aimed at those who have little experience of research and are looking to prepare for a Masters level research project. Students will engage critically with the ‘the research journey’; from conception of an idea and formation of a Research Question, the theoretical underpinning of approaches to research, study design and approvals, data collection and analysis, and study reporting. The module will then examine the role of Clinical Trial Centres and Research Design Support services in the development of advanced study design (e.g. clinical trials, complex interventions), and subsequently examine in greater depth theory and application of advanced levels of qualitative and quantitative study design and data analysis.
This module will have a flexible delivery to allow for maximum student engagement across programmes. It will be delivered online, on-campus, or a combination of the two across the semester. Students will need to opt into one of the delivery patterns prior to starting the module. It is supported by interactive lectures/audio-visual presentations, quizzes and case-based tutorials and interactive discussion boards.
The module content will be taught by a range of experts from across the Health and Life Science Faculty presenting students with experts within their field of interest and across specialities thereby giving students a breadth of exposure to research at The University of Liverpool.
There are four summative assessments within this module, structured to cumulatively build the students critical skills:
1. Critique of a Research Article (2,000 words)
2. Data Analysis Activity: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Exercise (1,000 words)
3. Presentation – Study Protocol Critique: Students will present and critique an outline study protocol. (15 Minute Presentation).
4. Study Protocol: Students will develop a robust project protocol amenable for a Masters level project. (2,000 words).
The assessments can be tailored to focus on the students area of interest and area of speciality.
The assessments can be tailored to focus on the students area of interest.
For the MSc programme, the final step is the dissertation in form of a research project (MDSC406, 60 credits), where the final authentic assessment will be a preliminary report based on a project plan, written work in a form of a journal article, and a poster presentation (designed to be presented at a specialist conference).
This module is designed for the research project element of Master’s level programmes of study within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. It is designed for students undertaking clinical projects and those that are appropriate to scientists and healthcare professionals within the subject area of their Master’s programme. These might include new graduates in the fields of health and science, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, health care managers, medical students, medical and pharmaceutical researchers, and other related non-medical personnel.
Students have the opportunity to explore a wide range of scientific and applied medical topics previously covered during the core modules and to plan and execute a research project and then to learn how to communicate it to a scientific audience in the form of a scientific poster and a journal article. This module will allow students to understand the process of dissemination of research findings, which will be supported by a supervisor.
In order to accommodate different professional and personal needs, the module has a flexible, online or on-campus structure dependent on the research project. This will be an independent piece of work carried out by the student with support from a named supervisor. Support will also be provided by peer support sessions and assessment support sessions prior to submission, and group lectures and seminars will form the basis of the taught element at the beginning of the module.
Students will further develop their digital skills in the virtual learning environment to explore their research area.
Students will produce a piece of written work that is based on the research project or a systematically structured literature review. The assessment of this module is i) a written journal paper, 5000 words (60%), ii) an individual poster, equivalent to 2500 words, 20%, and iii) an individual oral presentation, c. 15 mins, 20%.
Contributions to teaching and supervision will be from key clinical and research areas and where appropriate cross-Faculty to ensure research informed teaching. Students will benefit from the wide range of research expertise within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences research institutes, teaching and research links with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and other institutions. The University is ideally located for access to some of the UK’s leading specialist clinical units with clinical experts in hospitals such as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, The Palliative Care Institute Liverpool, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, and The Walton Centre, the UK’s only specialist hospital trust dedicated to neurological services.
The blended learning delivery involves a mixture of on campus lectures, tutorial and workshops and online available resources. The student activities will accommodate the students’ working patterns and the international make-up of the cohorts.
Teaching activity involves a mixture of scheduled directed student hours, unscheduled directed student hours and self-directed learning. The majority of modules (MDSC400, MDSC401, MDSC404) are organised in blocks (usually three per module, about 20 hours in total per 30-credit module) of teaching that will take place on campus. Depending on students’ needs, one-to-one tutorials are organised weekly, in addition to the online discussion boards.
The unscheduled directed learning activity is related to the reading of key papers/guidelines which support the lectures. Students are expected to spend about 120 hours per 30-credit module on self-directed, independent learning. This should include reading around the subjects covered in the online lectures, contributions to the discussion boards, planning of their essays and research topics, and the enhancement of their skills in critical reading, critical thinking, online communication and evidence based clinical reasoning/decision making.
To ensure that assessment supports the programme aims and the developing of skills at Level 7, a range of assessment methods are used with the purpose of enhancing the students’ learning experience, ensuring authenticity and increasing inclusivity.
To meet the educational aims of the programme, the assessment strategy uses a range of assessment methods to cover the learning objectives. All assessment tasks involve elements of critical commentary, appraisal, clinical reasoning, reflection and/or critical evaluation of the relevant clinical-based decision making.
The assessment methods include:
The majority of assessment tasks are centred on clinical scenarios focusing on the ethical assessment and decision-making. These link the assignments to the ethical theories that underpins the everyday clinical practice and decision making. Other assessment tasks are related to the review of practice in the students’ own workplace, based within the context of national guidelines and protocols, to challenge their current ethical understanding and knowledge of professional practice.
A key component of the Assessment for Learning approach is student engagement with the discussion board, allowing students to explore concepts, and clarify understanding and application of the theory in their own practice. Engagement with other students enables learning between students and the understanding of a wider range of challenges and strategies.
Personalised feedback, covering content and academic skills, is provided on every assessment, including assessments for learning. Students requiring extra support can discuss their learning needs with the module leader who can then direct them to additional resources.
We have a distinctive approach to education, the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, which focuses on research-connected teaching, active learning, and authentic assessment to ensure our students graduate as digitally fluent and confident global citizens.
Studying with us means you can tailor your degree to suit you. Here's what is available on this course.
This course has a flexible structure and has a blended approach to delivery with teaching being delivered on campus and online. Teaching is provided by the School of Medicine by a mixed team of clinicians, ethicists, representatives of medical institutions (e.g. GMC) and university lecturers providing an experiential, peer group and active learning environment.
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The programme will enhance the career opportunities for health professionals, not only by providing them with excellent ethical skills, but also supporting them to take key positions within health organisations as ethics advisers, coordinating ethics committees and supervising the quality of research design and implementation.
With global healthcare ethics recognised as a priority by WHO, the programme will prepare you for an international career in healthcare.
It will also help with your academic progression and prepare you for working within academia, by offering an excellent basis for a future PhD in bioethics or connected areas.
If you are a healthcare professional from abroad this MSc will enhance your chances to get professional recognition in the UK, by familiarising you with the GMC ethics requirements and professionalism.
This master’s degree offers the opportunity to work in ethics and policy-related jobs, nationally and internationally. For example:
Your tuition fees, funding your studies, and other costs to consider.
UK fees (applies to Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland) | |
Full-time place, per year | £10,800 |
Part-time place, per year | £3,600 |
International fees | |
Full-time place, per year | £24,800 |
Part-time place, per year | £12,400 |
Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching and assessment, operating facilities such as libraries, IT equipment, and access to academic and personal support.
If you're a UK national, or have settled status in the UK, you may be eligible to apply for a Postgraduate Loan worth up to £12,167 to help with course fees and living costs. Learn more about paying for your studies..
We understand that budgeting for your time at university is important, and we want to make sure you understand any course-related costs that are not covered by your tuition fee. This could include buying a laptop, books, or stationery.
Find out more about the additional study costs that may apply to this course.
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Check out our Liverpool Bursary, worth up to £2,000 per year for eligible UK students. Or for international students, our Undergraduate Global Advancement Scholarship offers a tuition fee discount of up to £5,000 for eligible international students starting an undergraduate degree from September 2024.
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The qualifications and exam results you'll need to apply for this course.
Candidates must satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University of Liverpool.
All students will be required to submit a reference, a 2 page A4 CV, and a personal statement outlining ambitions for learning.
We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom. Change it here
Your qualification | Requirements |
Postgraduate entry requirements |
To join this programme, you will normally need to be a healthcare professional or a student interested in bioethics. |
International qualifications |
If you hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, but don’t meet our entry requirements, a Pre-Master’s can help you gain a place. This specialist preparation course for postgraduate study is offered on campus at the University of Liverpool International College, in partnership with Kaplan International Pathways. Although there’s no direct Pre-Master’s route to this MSc, completing a Pre-Master’s pathway can guarantee you a place on many other postgraduate courses at The University of Liverpool. |
You'll need to demonstrate competence in the use of English language, unless you’re from a majority English speaking country.
We accept a variety of international language tests and country-specific qualifications.
International applicants who do not meet the minimum required standard of English language can complete one of our Pre-Sessional English courses to achieve the required level.
English language qualification | Requirements |
IELTS | 7.0 overall, with no component below 6.5 |
TOEFL iBT | 100 overall, with minimum scores of listening 21, reading 21, writing 21 and speaking 23 |
Duolingo English Test | 130 overall, with no component below 120 |
Pearson PTE Academic | 69 overall, with no component below 61 |
LanguageCert Academic | 75 overall, with no skill below 70 |
PSI Skills for English | C1 Pass in all bands |
INDIA Standard XII | National Curriculum (CBSE/ISC) - 75% and above in English. Accepted State Boards - 80% and above in English. |
WAEC | C6 or above |
Do you need to complete a Pre-Sessional English course to meet the English language requirements for this course?
The length of Pre-Sessional English course you’ll need to take depends on your current level of English language ability.
Find out the length of Pre-Sessional English course you may require for this degree.
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Last updated 12 September 2024 / / Programme terms and conditions