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Politics students in room in front of presentation screen

Politics courses

Be inspired by our Politics programmes.

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8th in the UK for outstanding research impact (REF results 2021)

High profile partners we have worked with include United Nations agencies, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, members of Houses of Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly, Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum, and Tate Liverpool.

92% agreed ‘Staff have made the subject interesting’ - BA International Politics & Policy (NSS 2022)

Inside Politics

A conversation with Juliana Christianson and Dr Gemma Bird.

Politics is everywhere, it’s local, national, international. It affects everything we do. I chose Liverpool because there is such a nice atmosphere, it’s not huge, you can interact with your lecturers all the time. They are always enthusiastic. When I came to visit, that enthusiasm was contagious. With politics, it’s not just picking up a book, you are constantly learning.

Madeleine Le Bourdon - International Politics and Policy BA (Hons)

Meet us


We are never say die, and always ready to give things a go. Wholehearted and determined to find our own way forward– no matter where we started from. Study with us, and shine in your own way.

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