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Business and Management

Management student working on computer wearing a headset

Business and Management courses

Be inspired by our Business and Management programmes.

Create a combined degree

Combine subjects to create a 50/50 (joint) or 75/25 (major/ minor) degree to suit you.

1st in the Russell Group Universities for ‘student experience’ (Times Good University Guide 2021)

Triple accredited Management School (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS)

36 professional accreditations across the Management School recognising excellence in programme content and teaching

Inside Management

A conversation with student Nazia Ahmed and Professor Claire Mallanaphy.

Student sitting in a lecture theatre

I chose to study marketing as I loved business studies during my A levels but I preferred the more creative side instead of the numbers. The marketing course at Liverpool has given me great insight into marketing within a business but has also taught me the importance of the other functions.

Emily Crick, Marketing with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)

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We are ideas that inspire, and a culture that moves. Minds that never rest, in a city that never sleeps. Study with us, and get immersed.